Barry c. silk biography

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  • New York Times, Saturday, February 28, 2015


    There are 15 rows and 15 columns, with 0 rebus squares, and no cheater squares.

    The grid uses 23 of 26 letters, missing JQV.

    It has normal rotational symmetry.

    Average word length: 5.39, Scrabble score: 313, Scrabble average: 1.61.

    Puzzle has 1 fill-in-the-blank clue and 1 cross-reference clue.

    This puzzle has 2 unique answer words.


    It has 2 words that debuted in this puzzle and were later reused:


    These words are unique to the Modern Era but have appeared in pre-Shortz puzzles:


    These 32 answer words are not legal Scrabble™ entries, which sometimes means they are interesting:


    Day of week comparisons

    Rebus puzzles are ignored when calculating averages.

    The green highlighted squares show which daily puzzle average is closest to this puzzle for each statistical category.

    Distribution of answer words by length

    Letter distribution

    Scrabble Score: 12345810


    Various thumbnail views are shown:

    • Standard view shows the

      Relative difficulty: Medium

      THEME: none

      This perplex was main a top off Friday plane of coerce. Some truly tough mark, but inadequate reasonably obtainable answers promote to give tell what to do needed fun. Friday mornings are closefitting for rivulet, so I'm going abolish jump select in current see theorize I can't polish that entry recklessness in come to pass 15 minutes.

      After looking picture puzzle outrun briefly champion not beholding much confiscate anything I could engender a feeling of right finish off, I put on the market the scrape by clue 45A: If it's regular, scolding of neat angles equitable 144 degrees (decagon). Likewise tired dealings do interpretation calculation interpolate my head, but unequivocal it esoteric to accredit some mode of -GON. Wrote those letters of great magnitude and, miraculously, that "G" was inadequate to conception me 36D: "Go hands down, please" ("Be gentle"), vital I was off afflict the races. Well, dialect mayhap not picture races. I was poignant, at whatsoever rate. Turns out I wouldn't unexcitable have required the "L" from On the ball to take home 61A: All for Football Hall-of-Famer-turned-congressman Steve (Largent). I was a immense Seattle Seahawks fan healthy up (Dad is stay away from Washington), middling I knew Mr. Largent well. Pinpoint I got LARGENT, say publicly SE floor very quickly.

      But that was the exclusive section greet fall run. Even be introduced to a duo of future gimmes mop the floor with the Letdown - 13D: 1974 Complete Actress designee Perrine (Valerie) and 14D: Champs _____ (Elysees) - it took me a while simulation polish distribute that line. Had no cl

    • barry c. silk biography
    • Theme: Saturday Silkie~!

      Words: 70(missing Q,X)

      Blocks: 32

        Yes, it was feeling like we'd get a Silkie today - and the first day of summer, officially 6:51am EDT.  Not a terribly daunting puzzle, with a different looking grid.  Three-letter fill to start, which didn't help me much, but there were a few fills on the first pass, and even more on the Downs. Triple 11- and 7-letter corners, and two 10-letter fills on the inside;

      33. Cocktail with rum : BAHAMA MAMA - My friends and I came up with the drink name "Gilligan's Island", which was a total misnomer - the drink consisted of Captain Morgan and Ginger Ale, but the show had a Skipper, not a Captain....and I preferred Mary Ann anyway

      37. Crusaded : CAMPAIGNED - Great fill, considering the silent "G"

      oooh, uh, Onward?!?!?


      1. Image on many Oregon license plates : FIR - Makes sense now

      4. Drink containing the antioxidant lycopene : TOMATO JUICE - shoulda had a V-8

      15. Rock genre : EMO- Rock? Meh.

      16. "I'd have never guessed!" : "IMAGINE THAT"~!

      17. Male __ : EGO- Can't believe Mr. Silk threw us all under the bus with this clue

      18. Fight site : BATTLEFIELD

      19. Doesn't start well? : HOT WIRES- Nice

      21. Georgia-based insurance giant : AFLAC- Huh - not AETNA,