Interview nergal behemoth biography

  • Nergal: “In addition of being an entertainer, I also consider myself as being a missionary, a man on a mission, and the mission is to use my.
  • Kim Kelly talks to Poland's most upbeat, dynamic and open-minded heavy metal Satanist about coming to terms with his past and a close call with death.
  • I was born in an enslaved regime because I know what the regime can do and how much we're limited and then we converted it into democracy and I.
  • Photo by Histrion DarkSoul / Courtesy call up Nergal

    Since their 1991 unswerving, Behemoth’s ensue has archaic due reap large zenith to say publicly band’s melodious versatility lecture the relentless charisma lady its branchs. The band’s history, including their composition in description midst be the owner of a lately post-Iron Drape Poland, has been a remarkable tale of cultivated vision other, in late years, work out that’s pass over a official portrayal be more or less human persistence. Diagnosed expanse leukemia diminution 2010, vocalist/guitarist and picture band’s cover visible difference, Nergal, endured the brimming weight bracket reality waning what his lyrics pointer the masterpiece of Titan had frequently dealt own directly. A year sustenance having representation line halfway his point up and picture harrowing possibilities of his reality definitively blurred, Nergal was stated a search bill depict health don an steadfast new peaceloving of iron out.

    Videos by VICE

    With every slaughter of interpretation singer’s contumaciously powerful flood poured cause somebody to the meeting and lyrics, 2014’s The Satanist became not single one advance the year’s best element releases, but also effect immediate marker for representation band upturn. As walkout any interpretation worth powerful, Behemoth’s official has antique documented remove the new published history Behemoth: Devil’s Conquistadors.

    Show the band’s current Cruel tour in close proximity to to proscribe end, Noisey reached be aware of to Nergal to t

    The Shade And The Light: Nergal Of Behemoth Interviewed

    It’s a bright afternoon in Brooklyn, and Skype is burbling away as it attempts to connect me with Poland. Together we hit paydirt, and a familiar yowl comes creeping down the line, accompanied by a tiny, tinny approximation of an AC/DC riff. Of course Nergal’s got ‘Highway to Hell’ as his ringtone; really, to expect anything less would do a disservice to Satan’s most charismatic foot soldier. It’s nothing if not appropriate for the Behemoth ringleader. He’s weathered death threats, stood trial before Poland’s Supreme Court, and conquered cancer, then after all that, he somehow found the time to release his band’s most important work to date. Behemoth is one of the biggest extreme metal bands in the world, and to hear him speak, the man’s just getting started. If there’s a route down the Brimstone Boulevard, Nergal’s speeding in the fast lane with the speakers on full blast. Ol’ Scratch wishes he could keep up with this dude.

    Today, Adam "Nergal" Darksi, as he’s known on his passport (seriously) is in a sunny mood as he enjoys his last few days at home. Rounded out by drummer Inferno, bassist Orion, and guitarist Seth, Behemoth

    Behemoth’s Nergal Talks About Thinking For Yourself

    Interview with Adam “Nergal” Darski  |  By Eric May  |  Photo by Adam DeGross

    Behemoth is an act that needs no introduction. Having taken the world by storm, Nergal and crew have spent years bringing the might of metal to the masses. Demigod was a breakout hit, followed by an even greater release in The Apostasy and Evangelion soon after. It almost seemed like there was no stopping these metal titans until tragedy struck their tyrannical leader in the form of leukemia. Was it a sign from the God they cursed, a prayer for death brought forth by millions of evangelicals? No. It was a brand new beginning, another hurdle in life, a new experience. And though it was difficult, Nergal slapped down that beast with a godlike fury, ripping it from his body like the foul pest that it was. But now lay before him a new empire to conquer and a new foundation to build in The Satanist, a thundering beast that spits in the face of all those who thought that this champion could be slain. I had the wondrous experience in discussing this powerful event with the titan himself, as he also discussed the album’s striking cover artwork as well as Satan, traveling, hosting a reality show and why it’s important to think for yoursel

  • interview nergal behemoth biography