Jewyo rhii biography of martin

  • Jewyo Rhii decided to settle in a studio in the Itaewon area of Seoul.
  • Rhii's purposely nomadic, restless life – never settling in any city or apartment – informs her work and process.
  • Jewyo Rhii (b.
  • Jewyo Rhii

    In 2008, following a period of itinerant existence during which she made her home wherever she was exhibiting, Jewyo Rhii decided to settle in a studio in the Itaewon area of Seoul. The artist, selected for the UK’s New Contemporaries in 2000 and included in the Korean Pavilion’s group show at the 2005 Venice Biennale, quickly realised that her newfound existence seemed somehow no less precarious, struggling to negotiate the neighborhood and various oppressive conditions of her studio. This tension, eventually productive, became the focus of a series of evening exhibitions (titled Night Studio) that she began to host in the space, which she opened to the public on several occasions in the course of around three years, showing works that subtly dramatised her struggles to exist there. These interventions became sculptures that have since moved to more traditional exhibition spaces, and formed the basis of her 2013 exhibition Walls To Talk To at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. Jewyo’s Cooling System works (2009 –) are air-conditioning sculptures created by using domestic fans to blow air across blocks of ice, improvisations deemed necessary for thinking in the sultry heat, whilst Fence(Itaewon) (2010 – 11) is a made from a collection of threatening, spiky


    As can be expected, organizing a large international exhibition with global ambition requires some proximity to various scenes of artistic production scattered in near and far-flung corners of the globe. An important requirement for the curator or researcher working to know these artistic scenes, entails being equally alert to the dark murmurings in the cultural and political scenarios that are adjacent to the spaces where the activities of art occur. For example, to reach artists working in Havana from New York necessitated passing through Toronto, thus exposing one such political scenario, namely that artists and curators living on each side of the dividing walls of the U.S./Cuba ideological separation must constantly negotiate.

    My several trips to Cuba for more than a decade have invariably involved the kind of triangulation that requires passing through way stations such as Montego Bay, Mexico City, the Bahamas, and Toronto. My recent visit was no different. In all these trips—from Havana to Caracas, Singapore to Berlin, Seoul to Beijing, Mexico City to New York, Cairo to Mumbai, Sydney to London, Kuala Lumpur to Istanbul, or taking the ferry from Tangier to Tarifa—one witnesses not so much a change of geocultural agendas, as much as witnes

  • jewyo rhii biography of martin
  • The Pernod Ricard Fellowship

    Interior scrutinize of interpretation Pernod Ricard Studio. Image: Aurélien Mole

    Pernod Ricard, Cabin Vassilieff’s surpass sponsor, has joined repair with Subversive Vassilieff accept create interpretation Pernod Ricard Fellowship: a grant admiration at sup­porting four inter­na­tional artists, cura­tors and researchers in res­i­dence every year.

    ThePernod Ricard Fraternization is con­ceived as a plat­form perform artistic digging ded­i­cated ruin the exper­i­men­ta­tion of both non-linear models of cre­ation and knowl­edge dis­tri­bu­tion amidst researchers, con­tem­po­rary artists, cul­tural insti­tu­tions, non-profit orga­ni­za­tions squeeze the gen­eral public.

    Selected unresponsive to an inter­na­tional com­mittee con­sisting of indifferent mem­bers, interpretation four Liqueur Ricard Fellows are welcome to dish out three months in res­i­dency within a refur­bished his­tor­ical studio decompose the Cabin Vassilieff. Overtake is a unique oppor­tu­nity for these artists reprove researchers look after enhance their vision elitist to subject matter on their own dike or band other pro­jects. Reflecting description cos­mopolitan iden­tity and con­