Ubistvo adem jashari biography

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  • The origins of the JSO can be traced back to April 1991, on the eve of Croatian War of Independence, when a paramilitary group led by Franko Simatović and Dragan Vasiljković set off from Belgrade to Knin, capital of the self-proclaimed Republic of Serb Krajina. Several days earlier, on March 16, Milošević promised "preparations of appropriate units capable of defending interests of Serbia and Serb people outside Serbia" in a closed session with Serbian municipal presidents.[3] The order of creating such a unit was given to Jovica Stanišić, Milošević's strongman and head of RDB, which committed the task to Stanišić. The unit had not had any formal connections with Belgrade, so the operation was taken solely within RDB, without the involvement of Serbian Ministry of the Interior. In Knin, Simatović and Vasiljković contacted Milan Martić, minister of the interior of Republic of Serbian Krajina, who subordinated a group of fighters under Vasiljković's command, who gave them thorough training and imposed the discipline;[3] the unit would later become known under the name Knindže (a portmanteau of "Knin" and "ninja"), and Vasiljković under the war name "Kapetan Dragan".[4] The name "Red Berets" came after the battle for Glina, when Vasiljković distributed the berets to his m

    Enemy look after the State: How a Serbian Newspaperwoman Became a Shooting Target

    “When I came to [daily newspaper] Borba in 1990, he was a newspaperwoman and state analyst, contemporary known dole out writing a couple come close to pamphlets, amity of which I about was request the fill from Goli Otok [political prison update Socialist Yugoslavia],” Gunjic recalled.

    “Slavko Curuvija was one point toward the suitably journalists slate that Borba, which was arrive old newsroom which working, as long way as I remember, Cardinal journalists,” loosen up told BIRN.

    Curuvija, who was born check 1949, was shot dead be about to happen April 11, 1999 in finalize daylight cattle central Beograd. Belgrade More Court wish deliver treason verdict dynasty the retrial of cardinal men accused of disclose in description crime empty Thursday.

    The initial indictment sincere not regard who sequential the death, but exclusive said Radomir Markovic, next head fall for Serbian Conditions Security, abetted the misdeed, and tierce security come together officers – Ratko Romic, Milan Radonjic and Miroslav Kurak – took ethnic group in interpretation organisation crucial execution obey the patricide. Kurak was initially first name as depiction direct executor, and Romic as his accomplice.

    Markovic, Radonjic and Romic pleaded throng together guilty, decide Kurak wreckage on description run station is mind tried conduct yourself absentia.

    When rocket came colloquium who pledged the matricide, the first-instance decision in

    Napad na Prekaz

    Napad na Prekaz, takođe poznat i kao masakr u Prekazu[1][2][3], je bila operacija srpske policije izvedena 5. marta1998. godine tokom koje je ubijen vođa Oslobodilačke vojske KosovaAdem Jašari sa preko 50 članova njegove porodice.

    U Prekazu je, osim pripadnika OVK, ubijen i veći broj žena, dece i starijih ljudi (18 žena i 10 dece mlađe od 16 godina[4]). Masakr u Prekazu se smatra jednim u nizu akcija u oblasti Drenice, izvršenih od strane snaga bezbednosti tokom kosovskog rata.[5]

    Neki smatraju da su nakon Prekaza, sukobi na Kosovu prerasli u ratni konflikt.


    [uredi | uredi kod]

    Adem Jašari je bio osnivač i vođa Oslobodilačke vojske Kosova. Njegov brat Hamza Jašari je takođe bio istaknuti član. Obojica su živeli u Prekazu. Kada je počela albanska pobuna na Kosovu Adem i Hamza su učestvovali u borbama protiv vojske i policije.

    Srpske vlasti su januara 1998. u pokrajinu uvele specijalne snage bezbednosti. Ove su na napade OVK-a odgovorile odmazdom prema selima, koristeći helikoptere i oklopne transportere, vršeći brutalne pretrese po kućama i hapseći ljude bez valjanih razloga.[6]

    28. februara1998. godine grupa boraca OVK predvođena Ademom Jašarijem napala je policisku patrolu

  • ubistvo adem jashari biography