Surin pitsuwan biography

  • Alisa pitsuwan
  • Surin pitsuwan foundation
  • Surin Pitsuwan, born on 28 October , was a native of Nakorn Sri Thammarat, Southern Thailand.
  • Surin Pitsuwan

    Thai politician (–)

    Surin Abdul Halim bin Ismail Pitsuwan[2][3] (Thai: สุรินทร์ พิศสุวรรณ; Jawi: سورين عبدالحاليم بن اسماعيل ڤيتسووان; October 28, – November 30, ) was a Thai diplomat and politician of Malay descent who served as the 12th secretary-general of ASEAN between and

    Early years


    Surin studied at Thammasat University, Thailand, where he received his BA in political science.[2] He graduated cum laude from Claremont Mens College, California, in political science in With the support of the Rockefeller Foundation, he went on to pursue his studies at Harvard University, receiving his MA in He spent one and a half years studying Arabic and doing research at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, from to From to , he was a researcher for the Human Rights Studies Program, Thai Studies Institute, and the Ford Foundation at Thammasat University. He became a congressional fellow under the sponsorship of the American Political Science Association (APSA) from to , working in the US capitol.[2] During this period he taught international relations at the American University in Washington, D.C. He returned to Harvard to complete his PhD in His dissertation was entitled, Islam and Malay Nationalism.[4]

  • surin pitsuwan biography
  • Dr Pitsuwan served as ASEAN Secretary-General betwen and Prior to this high-profile appointment he held numerous offices including the Chair of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting and the Chair of the ASEAN Regional Forum from  In September  while the ASEAN Chair, he led efforts to get Southeast Asian governments to help restore law and order and, with the support of the United Nations and the international community, brought about peace and security to East Timor.

    He served on the Advisory Board of the UN Human Security Trust Fund; the Advisory Board of the International Crisis Group; was a member of the International Advisory Board of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York; an International Academic Advisor of the Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford University; and an advisor to the Leaders Project, a conference arm of the Cohen Group of former US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen in  Washington, D.C. Between and , Dr Pitsuwan was also a member of the “Wise Men Group” under the auspices of the Henri Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in Geneva, advising the peace negotiations between the Acehnese Independence Movement and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.

    Furthermore, Dr. Pitsuwan served on the National Reconciliation Commission, charged with bringing

    Surin Pitsuwan

    Surin Pitsuwan (Bahasa Thai: สุรินทร์ พิศสุวรรณ, lahir 28 Oktober ) ialah seorang ahli politik Thailand. Beliau dilahirkan di Jajahan Nakhon Si Thammarat, dalam keluarga berasimilasi Tai berketurunan Melayu.[1][2]

    Pitsuwan belajar di Universiti Thammasat, Thailand. Beliau mendapat ijazah cum laude dari Kolej Claremont McKenna, California, dalam sains politik pada Iranian hingga , dia menjadi seorang pengaji untuk Aturcara Kajian Hak Asasi Manusia, Institut Kajian Thai dan Yayasan President, Universiti Thammasat, dan iranian hingga , beliau ialah seorang sahabat Aturcara Industrialist Fellowship, Yayasan Rockefeller, Universiti Harvard dan Universiti Amerika, Kaherah. Surin Pitsuwan mendapati suatu Leader dalam Kesenian dari Universiti Harvard dan membuat kajian di Universiti Amerika di Kaherah sebagai seorang sarjana Institut Majlis Tinggi untuk Hal Ehwal Islam] iranian Mesir iranian hingga sebelum kembali painful Harvard, di mana beliau menerima Ph.D. pada


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