A biography of the williams sisters

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  • Venus williams
  • Williams sisters

    Doubles multinational between Urania and Serena Williams

    "Venus take precedence Serena" redirects here. Annoyed the docudrama, see Urania and Serena (film).

    Highest singles 
    No. 1
    (February 25, 2002)
    No. 1
    (July 8, 2002)
    Highest doubles 
    No. 1
    (June 7, 2010)
    No. 1
    (June 7, 2010)
    Women's singles titles:4973
    Women's doubles titles:2223
    Grand Slam
    Women's singles titles:
    (Wimbledon 2000/01/05/07/08,
    US Open 2000/01)
    (Aus Open 2003/05/07/09/10/15/17,
    French Commence 2002/13/15,
    Wimbledon 2002/03/09/10/12/15/16,
    US Open 1999/2002/08/12/13/14)
    Grand Slam
    Women's doubles titles:
    (Aus Open 2001/03/09/10,
    French Getaway 1999/2010,
    Wimbledon 2000/02/08/09/12/16,
    US Open 1999/2009)
    (Aus Open 2001/03/09/10,
    French Come apart 1999/2010,
    Wimbledon 2000/02/08/09/12/16,
    US Open 1999/2009)
    Grand Crash mixed
    doubles titles:
    (Aus Unbarred 1998,
    French Open 1998)
    (Wimbledon 1998,
    US Open 1998)
    Summer Olympics
    Singles titles:
    Gold (Sydney 2000)Gold (London 2012)
    Summer Olympics
    Doubles titles:
    Gold (Sydney 2000, Beijing 2008, London 2012)Gold (Sydney 2000, Beijing 2008, London 2012)
    Fed Cup

    Serena and Venus Williams: Inside Their Close Bond and Competitive History

    They arrived like an earthquake that shook the foundation of the country-club atmosphere of tennis, a one-two punch of unnaturally gifted, unapologetically Black athletes who gained victories at the hallowed grounds of Wimbledon and the U.S. Open.

    But while Venus and Serena Williams changed the face of the sport as they progressed from upstarts to unquestioned champions to revered veterans, they remained unchanged in their devotion to one another, their sisterly love lifting them through personal challenges, public failures and numerous heated battles for on-court bragging rights.

    Serena tried to copy Venus when they were children

    By now, much has been made of the girls' entry into tennis through the unorthodox methods of their father, Richard: After realizing the prize money available in the sport, he taught himself, his wife and three older daughters how to play, before striking gold with Venus and Serena on the public courts of Compton, California, in the 1980s.

    Venus and Serena soon crept into the national spotlight as tennis prodigies, though this was mainly due to the eye-popping efforts of older sister Venus; already crushing the ball at speeds of almost 100 mph by age 11, she went undef

    How Serena and Venus Williams’ Father Helped Push the Sisters to Tennis Stardom

    Venus Williams was just 17 years old when she played in the first tennis match against the woman who would soon become her greatest on-the-court rival: her sister, Serena Williams, who was only 16 when the two met at the 1998 Australian Open.

    Venus won that match in straight sets, then won the rematch that followed later that year at the Italian Open. From that point on, the sisters took the tennis world by storm, revolutionizing the game and taking home an unprecedented number of championships and trophies. Combined, they have won 122 singles titles, including 30 Grand Slam singles titles, and earned over $175 million in prize money. And while they’re considered rivals on the court, they’re actually very close — together, they’ve won 22 doubles titles as teammates, 14 of which have been in Grand Slam competitions.

    The Williams sisters have dominated the tennis world for decades. You can chalk a fair amount of it up to preternatural talent, but had it not been for the dedication of their father, Richard Williams, and their disciplined childhoods, they probably wouldn’t have ever played tennis at all.

    Channel-surfing convinced Richard to turn his daughters into tennis champions

    Richard nev

  • a biography of the williams sisters