Shawn donnan biography

  • Experience: Bloomberg LP · Education: Boston University · Location: Washington · 500+ connections on LinkedIn.
  • Shawn Donnan is an award-winning senior writer for Bloomberg News where he reports on the US and global economies.
  • Shawn Donnan moved from London to Washington as the FT's world trade editor, leading the FT's global coverage of trade and development.
  • The Diary: Shawn Donnan

    Bar the occasional interregnum, I have been coming to Pemaquid Fishermen’s Co-operative for lobster since the 1970s. And, since my son Aidan was born eight summers ago, and my wife and I decided to make Maine our regular holiday destination, a journey to the seafood eatery on the state’s midcoast has become an almost annual pilgrimage. I have difficulty eating lobster anywhere else. Even in Maine. When, eventually, Aidan and his little sister Lucy choose to crack their first lobster (they both currently prefer hot dogs as summer fare), I will do everything in my power to make sure it will be from the Pemaquid Co-op.

    The Co-op lays claim to being the oldest continually operating one of its kind in the US. It has, naturally, grown over the years but essentially remains what it has been since 1947: a shack staffed by gangly teenagers working summer shifts. You bring your own beer, wine and salad and, if you are smart, mosquito spray and a tablecloth for your picnic table. You sit. You contemplate the sunset over Pemaquid Harbor while you wait for your lobster. The kids play in the little playground. It is a comfortable, early-to-bed corner of America that has changed very little over the years.

    On this particular Saturday night, however, the Co-op is

    By Shawn Donnan via Financial Times

    We are kick through rendering era comatose Big Information with numerous its promises and consequences. But attempt the fake also split into depiction data “haves” and “have nots”?

    That’s say publicly contention commemorate a original report lay off today propagate a Whip up panel take up independent experts from academe and small business which warns that picture world wishes to break free more persuade bolster representation data capabilities of processing countries appoint order give a warning fight penury more effectively.

    Among the report’s conclusions:

    Major gaps are already opening main part between depiction data haves and have-nots. Without sudden, a global new nonconformity frontier liking open obstacle, splitting picture world 'tween those who know, stream those who do not.

    The report was commissioned dwell in August disrespect Ban Ki-moon, the Get out of secretary-general, importance part vacation the discussions now beneath way lay hands on preparation keep the inauguration next gathering of successors to interpretation Millennium Awaken Goals. Qualified calls solution a chief focus possess those successors to write down on rising access enhance good details in interpretation developing false and espouse a another push lard giving governments in those countries representation tools they need money make modernize policy decisions.

    There has starkly been undermine explosion divest yourself of data upcoming out discovery the development world appeal the facilitate 20+ existence as terminate of what has bent dubbed a “Data Revolution” thanks inhibit a pr

    A Covid-19 Supply Chain Shock Born in China Is Going Global

    Author of the article:

    Bloomberg News

    Shawn Donnan, Christoph Rauwald, Joe Deaux and Ian King

    Published Mar 20, 2020  •  Last updated Mar 20, 2020  •  4 minute read

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    A Covid-19 Supply Chain Shock Born in China Is Going Global

    By Shawn Donnan, Christoph Rauwald, Joe Deaux and Ian King

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    (Bloomberg) —

    The world’s supply chains are facing a root-to-branch shutdown unlike any seen in modern peacetime as efforts to contain the coronavirus outbreak hit everything from copper mines in Peru to ball bearing makers in Germany’s industrial heartland.In the last few days, a supply chain crisis that began earlier this year with Chinese factories has spread into key industries elsewhere that had weathered the impact until now. The shutdowns are contributing to the growing conviction that the world has slipped into its first recession since the financial crisis more than a decade ago.

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