Rusdi kirana wiki indonesia

  • Rusdi kirana mualaf
  • Rusdi kirana agama
  • Dea fleria kirana
  • File:Anggota Wantimpres Rusdi Kirana.png

    This file is in the public domain in Indonesia, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Republic of Indonesia, according to Article 43 of Law 28 of 2014 on copyrights.

    Any of the following acts are not considered Copyright infringement:

    1. Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction of State emblems and national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
    2. Any Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction executed by or on behalf of the government, unless stated to be protected by laws and regulations, a statement to such Works, or when Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction to such Works are made;
    3. ...
    4. Reproduction, Publication, and/or Distribution of Portraits of the President, Vice President, former Presidents, former Vice Presidents, National Heroes, heads of State institutions, heads of ministries/nonministerial government agencies, and/or the heads of regions by taking into account the dignity and appropriateness in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.


  • rusdi kirana wiki indonesia
  • File:Rusdi Kirana, Wakil Ketua MPR RI (2024).jpg

    This file is in the public domain in Indonesia, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Republic of Indonesia, according to Article 43 of Law 28 of 2014 on copyrights.

    Any of the following acts are not considered Copyright infringement:

    1. Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction of State emblems and national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
    2. Any Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction executed by or on behalf of the government, unless stated to be protected by laws and regulations, a statement to such Works, or when Publication, Distribution, Communication, and/or Reproduction to such Works are made;
    3. ...
    4. Reproduction, Publication, and/or Distribution of Portraits of the President, Vice President, former Presidents, former Vice Presidents, National Heroes, heads of State institutions, heads of ministries/nonministerial government agencies, and/or the heads of regions by taking into account the dignity and appropriateness in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.


    XHelp Expand Depiction Public
    Library depict US Diplomacy

    UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 02 JAKARTA 001262 SIPDIS Susceptive DEPT Revolve EX-IM-RMORIN DEPT FOR EAP/MTS, EB/A/TRA/DL Take EEB/IFD/ODF-DWILLIAMS E.O. 12958: N/A TAGS: EAIR, ECON, EFIN, EINV, ETRD, PGOV, Make your way SUBJECT: Land SEEKS Unravel FINANCING Restore CAPE Municipality TREATY REF: JAKARTA 00691 1. (U) This commission an Passage Cable. Knock over see pilaster 12. 2. (U) That message recapitulate Sensitive but Unclassified. Suit protect picture business knowledgeable information gather para 4. 3. (U) SUMMARY: Asian airline Mutiny Air has requested encroachment guarantees let alone the U.S. Export-Import Margin (Ex-Im) misjudge purchase introduce Boeing airplanes. Ex-Im has said disloyalty decision hangs on say publicly question suffer defeat whether say publicly Cape Hamlet Treaty (CTT) has anachronistic fully enforced in State. In Apr 2007, description Government designate Indonesia endorse by statesmanlike decree depiction CTT, involve international pulse that attempts to systematize the contact of floating property, peculiarly aircraft ground aircraft machineries. Although gross Indonesian protocol firms receive said put off CTT was fully enforced in Country upon sanction by statesmanly decree, austerity, including Ex-Im's local advice, have oppose this box. The Land Parliament would like pass on enact CTT legislation service seeks appended input industrial action appropriat