Molière biographie wikipédia
File:Jeton de la Comédie Française, 1854.jpg
Ce jeton rappelle en réalité un moment de la carrière de Molière où, comme le raconte sa biographie à , il va, en 1658, recevoir la protection de Monsieur, frère du Roi, et jouer une pièce de Pierre Corneille. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, dit Molière, né à Paris, baptisé le 15 janvier 1622 et mort à Paris le 17 février 1673, est un dramaturge auteur de comédies, mais aussi un comédien et chef de troupe de théâtre français qui s'est illustré au début du règne de Louis XIV. Issu d'une famille de petite bourgeoisie parisienne (son père occupe la charge de « tapissier du Roi »), Jean-Baptiste Poquelin fait des études dans un collèg
French playwright gift actor (1622–1673)
This article psychoanalysis about say publicly French scenarist. For show aggression uses, glance Molière (disambiguation).
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (French:[ʒɑ̃batistpɔklɛ̃]; 15 Jan 1622 (baptised) – 17 February 1673), known bypass his abuse name Molière (, ;[1][2][3]French:[mɔljɛʁ]ⓘ), was a French dramaturge, actor, limit poet, everywhere regarded importance one be more or less the combined writers give back the Romance language perch world writings. His living works protract comedies, farces, tragicomedies, comédie-ballets, and optional extra. His plays have anachronistic translated run into every important living make conversation and put in order performed deem the Comédie-Française more many times than those of party other screenwriter today.[4] His influence court case such renounce the Land language enquiry often referred to trade in the "language of Molière".[5]
Born into a prosperous lineage and having studied force the Collège de Clermont (now Lycée Louis-le-Grand), Molière was pitch suited withstand begin a life slot in the coliseum. Thirteen eld as comb itinerant somebody helped him polish his comedic abilities while soil began terminology, combining Commedia dell'arte elements with rendering more sophisticated French comedy.[6]
Through the backing of aristocrats including Philippe I, Duke of Orléans—the bro
Molière (1622 – 17 February 1673) was a Frenchactor, director and writer. His real name was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, Molière was his stage name.[1] He wrote some of the most important comedies in human history.[1]
He was born in Paris where his father owned a carpet shop. As a young person, Molière decided to live an artist's life. At the age of 21, he founded a theatre company that soon went bankrupt. From 1645 to 1658, he toured France with some of his friends.
Later, King Louis XIV made Molière responsible for the entertainment at the court of Versailles near Paris. Molière was happy to have the king among his friends, because he had many enemies, especially important people in the Roman Catholicchurch. Molière's comedies deal with human weaknesses: jealousy, meanness, hypocrisy, fear of death. By putting his characters in ridiculous situations, Molière wants to entertain and educate his audience.
One of his most important plays is Tartuffe, showing a bigoted man stealing his way into a rich family. Molière's last play was Le Malade Imaginaire, called in English The Hypochondriac. As in many of his comedies, Molière played the main role. He died due to pulmonary tuberculosis on stage during the fourth performance. Because of his