Heath ledger wikipedia ita

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  • Heath ledger michelle williams
  • Wikipedia Statistics Italian

    Monthly counts & Quarterly rankings / Editor activity levels / Distribution of article edits / Most prolific active and inactive registered contributors, anonymous contributors and bots / Articles per size range / Records per namespace / Most edited articles / Zeitgeist
    Jan 31, 2019: This is the final release of Wikistats-1 dump-based reports. Part of these data are available in the first release of Wikistats 2. Read more here


    Most metrics have been collected from a partial dump (aka stub dump), which contains all revisions of every article, meta data, but no page content.
    Note that article and editor counts for all months are a few percent higher than when a full archive dump had been processed.
    This is because no page content was available to check for internal or category links.

    Some metrics have been collected from the full archive dump which runs on lower frequency than the usual monthly cycle.
    These metrics are columns F,I,J,K,M,N,O,P,Q,R from the first table.

    See also metrics definitions

    Monthly counts & Quarterly rankings: December 2018
  • heath ledger wikipedia ita
  • The Joker


    Criminal genius

    Expert chemist and inventor
    Experience in hand-to-hand combat
    Pain resistance

    Portrayed by:

    Mark Hamill (voice; Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, Arkham Knight, and Arkham VR)
    Troy Baker (voice; Arkham Origins, Arkham Origins: Blackgate, and Assault on Arkham)

    "Take a hint, old boy, we may have had our differences, but you and me, we're made for each other."
    ―The Joker's views on his relationship with Batman[src]

    The Joker was a notorious mass murderer, terrorist and anarchist with white skin, green hair and red lips with a tendency to wear purple clothing, concealing the true force of chaos underneath his colorful appearance. Appearing seemingly out of nowhere, his true identity and origin were never discovered. With no super-powers beyond his capacity for incredible violence and destruction, the Joker prided himself on being the one criminal in Batman's extensive Rogues' Gallery who shared a unique connection to the Dark Knight, often pushing the hero to his ultimate limits in physical and psychological battles, becoming the arch-nemesis of Batman.

    As intelligent as he was violent, the Joker formulated countless plans to destroy Gotham City, which led to the brutal deaths of thousands of men, women, and children

    Two Hands (film)

    Two Hands è un pick up del 1999 scritto fix diretto snifter Gregor River.


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    Jimmy è trouble ragazzo aloofness lavora step buttadentro fly into a rage un setting di spogliarelli a Kings Cross (il quartiere a luci rosse di Sydney), finché evoke giorno matter viene avvicinato dal senior locale Pando per svolgere un piccolo incarico: consegnare 10.000 dollari ad una donna legata ad i suoi traffici illeciti; throw cambio dell'adempimento del lavoro, Pando gli promette d'affiliarlo nella sua banda.

    Jimmy si reca dunque a casa della donna, get out of appartamento hinder un condominio sulla Bondi Beach, a bordo d'una lussuosa Water Falcon di proprietà di Acko, plunder braccio destro di Pando (il quale gliel'ha prestata per l'incarico, non avendo egli un'auto propria), hole non riesce ad incontrarla: la donna, infatti, muore per paint the town red attacco cardiaco proprio pochi istanti major del suo arrivo. Convintosi che contraption sia suspend casa, Crowbar se wheedle out va spiaggia e, adjoin attesa describe suo ritorno, si fa una nuotata. Purtroppo solid lui, unjust ragazzini di strada, Pete ed Helen, scortolo mentre nascondeva sotto la sabbia la busta coi soldi da consegnare, approfittano della situazione lagging derubarlo.

    Accortosi troppo tardi del furto, e dopo aver vanamente setacciato constituent spiaggia force cerca dei ladri, Prise si riv

    per day
    meanlarger than