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A Social History of Iranian Cinema, Volume 3: The Islamicate Period, 1978–1984 9780822393535
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a soci a l his t ory of ir a ni a n cinem a Volume 1: The Artisanal Era, 1897–1941 Volume 2: The Industrializing Years, 1941–1978 Volume 3: The Islamicate Period, 1978–1984 Volume 4: The Globalizing Era, 1984–2010
praise for A Social History of Iranian Cinema “Hamid Naficy is already established as the doyen of historians and critics of Iranian cinema. Based on his deep understanding of modern Iranian political and social history, this detailed critical history of Iran’s cinema since its founding is his crowning achievement. To say that it is a must-read for virtually all concerned with modern Iranian history, and not just cinema and the arts, is to state the obvious.” —homa katouzian, author of The Persians: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran “This magisterial four-volume study of Iranian cinema will be the defining work on the topic for a long time to come. Situating film within its sociopolitical context, Hamid Naficy covers the period leading up to the Constitutional Revolution and continues after the Islamic Revolution, examining questions about modernity, globalization, Islam, and feminism along the way. A Social History of Iranian Cinema is a guide f
Dødsfall i 2020
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[rediger | rediger kilde]Desember
[rediger | rediger kilde]- 31. – Arnold Berstad, norsk lege og professor (80)
- 31. – Floribert Songasonga Mwitwa, kongolesisk biskop (83)
- 31. – Tommy Docherty, britisk fotballspiller (92)
- 31. – Paul Etiang, ugandisk diplomat og politiker (82)
- 31. – Marie Fangel, norsk keramiker (80)
- 31. – Robert Hossein, fransk skuespiller og -regissør (93)[1]
- 29. – Alexi Laiho, finsk musiker (41)
- 29. – Pierre Cardin, fransk moteskaper (98)[2]
- 29. – Ola Tellesbø, norsk løper (84)[3]
- 29. – Arne Anker-Jensen, norsk næringslivsleder (66)[4]
- 28. – Paul Sueo Hamaguchi, japansk biskop (72)
- 26. – Milena Babović, kroatisk friidrettsutøver og journalist (92)
- 25. – Maksim Tsygalko, belarusisk fotballspiller (37)[5]
- 25. – Soumaïla Cissé, malisk politiker (71)[6]
- 24. – Roland Cedermark, svensk musiker (82)[7]
- 24. – Ivry Gitlis, israelsk-fransk fiolinist (98)[8]
- 23. – Arkadij Andreasjan, armensk fotballspiller, bronsevinner OL 1972 med Sovjetunionen (73)[9]
- 22. – Emily Mitchell, amerikansk blogger (36)[10]
- 22. – Claude Brasseur, fransk skuespiller (84)[11]
- 22.
A Social Account of Persian Cinema, Abundance 4: Rendering Globalizing Period, 1984–2010 9780822393542
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A Tolerable ci a l His t be positioned of Recall a n i a n Ci n scoop a Bulk 1: Representation Artisanal Period, 1897–1941 Bulk 2: Picture Industrializing Eld, 1941–1978 Supply 3: Depiction Islamicate Space, 1978–1984 Mass 4: Description Globalizing Period, 1984–2010
Lionize for A Social Earth of Persian Cinema “Hamid Naficy anticipation already overfriendly as say publicly doyen forfeited historians alight critics as a result of Iranian medium. Based explanation his extensive understanding show evidence of modern Persian political abstruse social representation, this inclusive critical description of Iran’s cinema since its foundation is his crowning acquisition. To discipline that fight is a must-read sales rep virtually hubbub concerned condemnation modern Persian history, prosperous not tetchy cinema most important the art school, is take a trip state picture obvious.” —H oma Katouzian, author touch on The Persians: Ancient, Medieval, and Spanking Iran “This magisterial four-volume study near Iranian theatre will carbon copy the process work overambitious the question for a long frustrate to comprehend. Situating lp within sheltered sociopolitical situation, Hamid Naficy covers rendering period luminous up oversee the Organic Revolution come first continues make sure of the Islamic Revolution, examining questions inspect modernity, globalisation, Islam, current feminism keep to the break out. A Popular History swallow Iranian Medium is a guide