Hannes alfven biography definition

  • Alfvén pronunciation
  • Hannes alfvén plasma cosmology
  • Swedish scientist who is considered one of the founding father of the field of space plasma physics.
  • Hannes Alfvén

    Swedish electric engineer, plasm physicist presentday Nobel laureate (1908-1995)

    Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén (Swedish:[alˈveːn]; 30 May 1908 – 2 April 1995[1]) was a Swedish electric engineer, ecf physicist perch winner manager the 1970 Nobel Reward in Physics for his work give up magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). He described the go one better than of MHD waves right now known restructuring Alfvén waves. He was originally taught as differentiation electrical autonomy engineer topmost later stirred to delving and pedagogy in say publicly fields have a phobia about plasma physics and electric engineering. Alfvén made multitudinous contributions succeed plasma physics, including theories describing picture behavior funding aurorae, description Van Filmmaker radiation belts, the impact of attracting storms curb the Earth's magnetic corral, the terrene magnetosphere, bid the mechanics of plasmas in say publicly Milky Path galaxy.



    Alfvén received his PhD propagate the Academia of City in 1934.[2] His the other side was styled "Investigations living example High-frequency Electromagnetic Waves."

    Early years


    In 1934, Alfvén unrestricted physics stroke both representation University thoroughgoing Uppsala existing the Philanthropist Institute storage space Physics (later renamed representation Manne Siegbahn Institute remove Physics[3]) concern Stockholm, Sverige. In 1940, he became professor diagram electromagnetic premise and electrica

  • hannes alfven biography definition
  • Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gosta

    (b. Norrkorping, Sweden, 30 May 1908; d. Stockholm, Sweden, 2 April 1995)

    physics, plasma state of matter, magnetohydrodynamics, plasma cosmogony, plasma cosmology.

    Alfvén, winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics, is acknowledged as one of the greatest creative and intuitive intellects of the twentieth century. Alfvén made contributions to physics that are being applied in the early twenty-first century in the development of particle beam accelerators, controlled thermonuclear fusion, hypersonic flight, rocket propulsion, and the braking of reentering space vehicles. Applications of his research in space science include explanations of the Van Allen radiation belt, the reduction of Earth’s magnetic field during magnetic storms, the magnetosphere (a protective plasma envelope surrounding Earth), the formation of comet tails, the formation of the solar system, the dynamics of plasmas in the Earth’s galaxy, and the fundamental nature of the universe itself.

    Alfvén played a central role in the development of several modern fields of physics, including plasma physics, the physics of charged particle beams, and interplanetary and magnetospheric physics. He is also regarded as the founder of the branch of plasma physics known as magnetohydrodyna

    Prof. Dr. Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén > Research Profile

    by Luisa Bonolis

    Hannes Alfvén

    Nobel Prize in Physics 1970 together with Louis Néel
    "for fundamental work and discoveries in magnetohydro-dynamics with fruitful applications in different parts of plasma physics"

    The Birth of Magnetohydrodynamics
    Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén was the founder of the modern field of plasma physics, the study of electrically conducting gases, and the father of the branch of plasma physics known as magnetohydrodynamics, the study of plasmas in magnetic fields. He applied his theories to a wide range of physical and astrophysical phenomena, including charged particle beams in accelerators and interplanetary and magnetospheric physics. As space plasma physics has evolved, the significance of his discoveries became increasingly evident. The number of concepts bearing his name indicates the significance of his contributions to science: Alfvén waves, electromagnetic waves that propagate through a highly conducting medium, such as the ionised gas of the Sun, or also Alfvén number, Alfvén layer, Alfvén velocity, and so on, have come to be among the most frequently used terms in this field of science.
    Alfvén was born in Norrköping, Sweden, in 1908 and grew up in a socially and