Alise mills biography of christopher

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  • Alice bailey - wikipedia
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    Alice Mason (real estate broker)

    American socialite and political fundraiser (1923–2024)

    For other people named Alice Mason, see Alice Mason (disambiguation).

    Alice Mason


    Alice Christmas

    October 26, 1923

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    DiedJanuary 4, 2024(2024-01-04) (aged 100)


    EducationColby College
    OccupationReal estate broker
    Years active1952-2009
    Known forChanges in Manhattan real estate, political fundraising, dinner parties

    Alice Mason (October 26, 1923 – January 4, 2024) was an American real estate broker, socialite, and political fundraiser. According to the New York Times she became one of the most powerful real estate brokers in Manhattan and was known as "the person you called if you couldn’t get past the [co-op] board." According to the New York Social Diary, her work "eventually changed the rules in high-end Manhattan co-ops, forever." The Real Deal called her "legendary".

    Her dinner parties, held at least six times a year from 1962 to 2000, were prominent in Manhattan's social scene. In 1996 the Times called her "the hostess of the hour".

    In 1999, a book by Lawrence Otis Graham, Our Kind of People: Inside America’s Black Upper Class, outed her as passing for white.

  • alise mills biography of christopher