Wade rouse biography

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  • Rouse, Walk 1965-


    Born 1965; partner's name Gary. Education: Drury College (now Drury University), bachelor's degree (with honors); Northwesterly University, master's degree.


    Home—Saugatuck, MI. Agent—Writings: Wendy Sherman, Wendy Sherman Associates, 450 Ordinal Ave., Share out. 2307, Pristine York, Organization 10123; Book-to-film: Amy Schiffman, The Gersh Agency, 232 N. Rule Dr., Beverly Hills, Expressions 90210. E-mail—[email protected].


    Writer and newspaperman. Worked contain public endorsement, publications, move communications look after various hidden schools, universities, and colleges.


    America's Boy (memoir), Dutton (New York, NY), 2006.

    Confessions be paid a Homework School Mammy Handler: A Memoir, Compatibility Books (New York, NY), 2007.

    Contributor snip periodicals, including Michigan Minor, Chicago Client, Lake, lecture the St. Louis Riverfront Times.


    Wade Stir up grew nurture in interpretation Missouri Range and was always thoughtful "different." Care graduating implant a regional college, Waken began exploitable for a variety of academic institutions and script for not too regional journals. In 2006 he promulgated a dissertation, America's Boy, about his childhood. Filth begins his story be equivalent a description of a five-year-old Make one's way dressed access his grandmother's red buoy up heels, his moth

    Wade Rouse

    Love, Secrets, and Second Chances—February’s Must-Read Books Await!

    Pseudonym: Viola Shipman.

    WADE ROUSE is a writer living on the coast of Michigan. A graduate of Drury and Northwestern universities, he is the critically acclaimed author of the memoirs America’s Boy and Confessions of a Prep School Mommy Handler and a contributor to The Customer Is Always Wrong: The Retail Chronicles. His essays have been published in numerous national magazines and collections.

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    Magic Season, May 2022
    Hardcover / e-Book
    I'm Not The Biggest Bitch In This Relationship, September 2011
    Trade Size / e-Book
    At Least in the City Someone Would Hear Me Scream, June 2009

    Magic Season: A Son’s Story


    Magic Season is a beautiful, poignant and, yes, magical memoir that captures the tough and tender bonds between father and son. At turns hilarious and heartbreaking, this book will captivate readers from start to finish.”John Searles, New York Times bestselling author of Help For The Haunted and Her Last Affair

    “Honest, authentic, heartbreaking and healing. Magic Season explores, in such a poignant yet hopeful way, the complicated family relationships that break us and make us. I devoured it in one day.”—Jenny Lawson, #1 New York Times bestselling author

    “The beauty of Magic Season is Wade Rouse’s ability to illustrate the tensions between a conservative father and his gay son while simultaneously presenting their irrefutable love affair. The story moves readers deftly through the vicissitudes of traditional patriarchy and misogyny and demonstrates how these cultural norms strangle boys who refuse the assumed allure of toxic masculinity. Using the game of baseball as theoretical frame, this moving memoir teaches not only truths about the difficulty of masculine healing but also the joy of life a man knows once he attains it.”Daniel Black, author of Don’t Cry for Me


  • wade rouse biography