Shamime eshgh biography for kids

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  • Born in 1972 in a musical family in Tehran.

  • Born in 1907 Abid Hussain Khan was an accomplished vocalist and also a Beenkar (a Rudra-Veena player). He traced his musical heritage from Shri Mishri Singh Rajput of Jaipur who once accompanied Miyan Tansen on Rudra Veena before emperor Akbar. As a child, Abid Hussain Khan had been initiated in music by his father Late Ustad Jamaluddin Khan of Bidar state during the twenties and thirties of last century.

    Here  we present four Ragas on two CDs. Only one Raga - Raga Darbari Kanada - is played on Rudra Veena. The others are vocal: the two Ragas on the first CD are sung in Dhrupad style and the second Raga on CD 2 is in Khyal style. The recordings are probably from All India Radio.

    Download CD 1 & Scans

    Download CD 2

    We are very grateful to KF, the original compiler of these recordings, who created these two CDs for his own collection and shared them generously.

    Here is another Rudra Veena program by Abid Hussain Khan from AIR, with Bhimpalasi and Desh, uploaded by Povster:

    Ustad Abid Hussain Khan: The Maestro Par Excellence

    By Roop Narayan Dixit
    (Roop Narayan Dixit is a retired professor of English who became a Ganda-baddh disciple of Ustad Abid Hussain Khan in 1963)

    Late Ustad Abid Hussain Khan of Indor

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  • shamime eshgh biography for kids
  • Full Cast & Crew

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