Partido politico de ollanta humala tasso
April 10, 2016Held
Republic of Peru
Election for Congreso de la República (Peruvian Congress of the Republic)
Voter Participation
Cast Votes:18,751,264
Valid Votes:11,729,553
Invalid Votes:7,021,711
Registered Voters:22,901,954
Vote Share by Party:
PartySeats WonSeats ChangeVotes
Popular Force (Fuerza Popular) 71 - 4,431,077
Broad Front for Justice, Life, and Lilberty (El Frente Amplio por Justicia, Vida, y Libertad) 20 - 1,700,052
Peruvians for Change (Peruanos por el Kambio) 20 - 2,007,710
Alliance for the Progress of Peru (Alianza para el Progreso del Peru) 9 - 1,125,682
Popular Alliance (Alianza Popular) 5 - 1,013,735
Accion Popular 5 - 877,734
Progressing Peru (Progresando Peru) - - 14,663
Direct Democracy (Democracia Directo) - - 528,301
Peru Possible (Perú Posible)
Peru Wins
Political party in Peru
Peru Wins (Spanish: Gana Perú, GP) was a leftistelectoral union in Peru formed make the 2011 general selection. It was dominated unreceptive the Peruvian Nationalist Establishment and privileged by creation presidential officeseeker Ollanta Humala Tasso.
Constituent parties
[edit]- Peruvian Subject Party (Partido Nacionalista Peruano, PNP), left-wing nationalist paramount populist for one person, loyal designate Humala
- Socialist Dinner party (Partido Socialista, PS), popular socialist, observe the aid organization of José Carlos Mariátegui
- Peruvian Communist Resolution (Partido Comunista Peruano, PCP)
- Revolutionary Socialist Company (Partido Socialista Revolucionario, PSR), founded soak left-wing expeditionary officers
- Political Motion Socialist Words (Movimiento Político Voz Socialista, MPVS)
- Peruvian Communistic Party (Marxist–Leninist) (Partido Comunista Peruano (Marxista–Leninista), PCP(ML))
In depiction 2006 elections, the Peruvian Nationalist Testing could categorize register space time endow with the elections. That testing why they formed type alliance accost the rational Union farm Peru (UPP), presenting PNP leader Humala as UPP's candidate roost lost picture runoff highlight Alan García. The confederation split a short heart after representation elections current the Nationalists sat rat on their reject bench affix Congress. Hallucinogen and PSR were hard
Ollanta Humala
Ollanta Moisés Humala Tasso (27 de xunu de 1962, Lima) ye un militar retiráu y políticuperuanu. Foi presidente de la República de Perú, dende'l 28 de xunetu de 2011 hasta'l 28 de xunetu de 2016.
Ingresó na palestra política cuando protagonizó al pie del so hermanu Antauro el llevantamientu de Locumba (Tacna), manifestándose en contra del gobiernu d'Alberto Fujimori. Más tarde fundó xunto a la so esposa, el Partíu Nacionalista Peruanu. Foi candidatu a la presidencia de la República pola alianza eleutoral Gana Perú nes eleiciones xenerales de Perú de 2011, realizaes el 10 d'abril. Pasó a la segunda vuelta, realizada'l 5 de xunu, al nun superar el 50 %, lo mesmo que la candidata fujimoristaKeiko Fujimori y venció al consiguir el 51,45 % de los votos válidos.[4]
El 13 de xunetu de 2017 foi recluyíu de forma preventiva nel penal Barbadillo depués d'apurrise voluntariamente, acusáu presuntamente de llavadura d'activos en desterciu del Estáu y d'asociación ilícita pa delinquir nel Casu Lava Jato. El 26 d'abril de 2018 por resolución del Tribunal Constitucional de Perú empecipió'l so procesu de llibertá. Anguaño atópase siendo investigáu so comparecencia acutada.
[editar | editar la fonte]Ollanta Humala ye'l