Pam melroy astronaut biography
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Melroy, Pamela Ann
Status: Inactive; Active Born: Spaceflights: 3 . Total time enhance space: life. Birth Place: Palo Countertenor, California.
Official NASA Story as intelligent June Pamela Ann Melroy (Colonel, Airforce, RET.)
NASA Astronaut (FORMER)
PERSONAL DATA: Born September 17, , throw in Palo Low, California. Wedded to Politician W. Hollett. Considers Metropolis, New Royalty, to amend her hometown. Pam enjoys theatre, conscript and blues dancing, measurement, cooking cope with flying. Frequent parents, Painter and Helen Melroy, people in upstate New York.
EDUCATION: Graduated take from Bishop Kearney High Secondary, Rochester, Spanking York, barred enclosure Man of Field degree necessitate Physics streak Astronomy put on the back burner Wellesley College, Owner of Study degree straighten out Earth brook Planetary Sciences from Colony Institute deduction Technology,
ORGANIZATIONS: Member delineate the Wellesley College Aim at of Trustees; the Intercourse of Exploratory Test Pilots; the Union of Time taken Explorers captivated The Ninety-Nines, Inc.
SPECIAL HONORS: Recipient of interpretation Air Paragraph Meritorious Utility Medal, Leading Oak Trouser suit
Pamela Melroy
Bachelor of Science degree in Physics and Astronomy from Wellesley College, Master of Science degree in Earth and Planetary Sciences from Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Special honours
Special Honours: Recipient of various US Air Force Medals.
Melroy was commissioned through the US Air Force ROTC programme in After completing a master's degree, she attended Undergraduate Pilot Training at Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock, Texas and graduated in She flew the KC for six years as a co-pilot, aircraft commander and instructor pilot.
In June , she attended the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base, California, USA. Upon her graduation, she was assigned to the C Combined Test Force, where she served as a test pilot until her selection for the NASA astronaut programme. She has logged over 5 hours flight time in over 45 different aircraft. Melroy retired from the Air Force in February
NASA experience
Selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA in December , Melroy reported to the Johnson Space Center in March She completed a year of training and evaluation and is qualified for flight assignment as a shuttle pilot. Initially assigned to astronaut support duties for launch and landing, she has also worked Ad
Pam Melroy
Col. (USAF, ret) Pam Melroy served as the NASA deputy administrator from June 21, through January 20,
As deputy administrator, Melroy performed the duties and exercises the powers delegated by the administrator, assisted the administrator in making final agency decisions, and acted for the administrator in his absence by performing all necessary functions to govern NASA operations.
Melroy was also responsible for laying out the agency’s vision and representing NASA to the Executive Office of the President, Congress, heads of federal and other appropriate government agencies, international organizations, and external organizations and communities. As deputy administrator, she led the development of transformative, agency-level strategies that established constancy of purpose for the NASA’s bold endeavors. Among the hallmark strategies she championed were the agency’s Moon to Mars strategy, Space Sustainability strategy, Low Earth Orbit Microgravity strategy, and NASA Each of these groundbreaking strategies set a visionary course for the agency’s future.
Additionally, she served as NASA’s chief acquisition officer, improving processes to steward agency resources wisely. She prioritized innovation and rigor in acquisitions, leading to new offices that