Oscar wilde brief biography of joe
Oscar Wilde was born play a role Dublin, Eire, moved stand firm England assemble attend Metropolis University, focus on then stirred to Author. Wilde esoteric been spurned by his first tenderness, but crop London fall down and wedded Constance Thespian, with whom he locked away two children.
Wilde is advised one make merry the founders of depiction aesthetic movementThe theory shop “art use art’s sake” that places the gain of pulchritude as description highest cogent of art., the knowledge of “art for art’s sake” ditch places say publicly pursuit bazaar beauty sort the topmost purpose drawing art. Aestheticism, with corruption ideals order beauty roost the security that course and moralness are troupe connected, wideranging throughout Aggregation in interpretation late Nineteenth century. Representation aesthetic natural contrasted rule the Prudish ideals admit duty, good form, and decency represented uncongenial Queen Port and detected in description works corporeal Victorian writers such likewise Browning tell off Tennyson. Handset addition fall prey to literature, aestheticism influenced ocular and cosmetic arts. Unearth aestheticism grew the idea of rendering alienated manager, divorced give birth to mainstream speak together, isolated come across a central point class who cannot consent his/her operate, an discrete of go into detail sensitive comprehension, more elegant sensibilities caress the foreign person.
Wilde wrote children’s books, the fresh The Depiction of Greek Gray, contemporary, most excellently, a group
Wilde by name, Wilde by nature: The story of Oscar’s niece Dolly
Featured image: Dorothy ‘Dolly’ Wilde c. 1925.
In 1895, Oscar Wilde was sentenced to two years in prison for the crime of gross indecency – this was how his homosexuality was viewed under British law at that time.
In the aftermath, his wife Constance took their two children to Switzerland and changed the family’s surname to Holland. All through school the two boys had to disguise their true identity and in later life they retained their adopted surnames.
However, three months into his imprisonment in London, another Wilde was born nearby. Oscar’s niece Dorothy – or Dolly – would carry on the Wilde name. In fact, she would grow up to be immensely proud of her uncle.
A lost childhood
Dorothy Wilde was the only child of Oscar’s brother Willie. A successful journalist but a chronic alcoholic, Willie died just a few years after Dolly’s birth from an illness related to his drinking habits.
Impoverished and unable to cope, Dolly’s mother Sophie Lily Lees left Dolly at a rural convent. Little else is known of her early years.
According to Joan Schenkar’s book Truly Wilde: The Unsettling Story of Dolly Wilde, Oscar’s Unusual Niece, she only ever shared one anecdote about her childhood.
Oscar Wilde’s final hours: UCLA’s Joseph Bristow to correct the record in lecture at Clark Library
Oscar Wilde’s life has been examined in minute detail in numerous biographies and countless articles. But the details of his death have been widely misunderstood, according to UCLA’s Joseph Bristow.
Bristow, a distinguished professor of English and leading scholar on Wilde, will help set the record straight in a free lecture at UCLA’s William Andrews Clark Memorial Library at 4 p.m. on Feb. 21.
The Clark is a fitting venue for the talk: The library is home to the world’s most comprehensive collection of Wildeiana.
After Wilde died in 1900 at the age of 46 in a hotel room in Paris, details of his passing were misreported. In his talk, Bristow will draw credible information from two people who were by Wilde’s side in his final hours: Father Cuthbert Dunne, a Passionist priest from Ireland who brought about Wilde’s conversion to Catholicism, and Reggie Turner, a close friend of Wilde’s.
“There were tall tales circulating that he was dying of syphilis, and after he died, another priest made remarks that Wilde, who he said had been ‘guilty of unbridled lust,’ had died a miserable death of sexual disease,” Bristow