Omkarnath thakur biography for kids

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  • Omkarnath thakur books
  • Omkarnath thakur ki vyakhya
  • Pandit Omkarnath Thakur

    by Susheela Misra

    (Rec.: a feature on Omkarnath Thakur - musician extraordinaire and a model for every self-respecting Bharatiya; Pilfered from: "Great Masters of Hindustani Music" by Smt. Susheela Misra, Hem Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1981. - Originally posted on RMIC by Rajan Parrikar as part of Great Masters Series.)

    After listening to Pandit Omkarnath Thakur's music once, Mahatma Gandhi is said to have remarked : "Pandit Omkarnathji can achieve through a single song of his, what I cannot achieve through several speeches."

    Such was the impact of Omkarnath Thakur's personality and his music on listeners. Besides being a successful musician, he was also endowed with an impressive personality who combined in himself many wonderful qualities of head and heart. The story of his early boyhood years is really a moving one, filled as it was, with struggles, privations, and poverty. But instead of being crushed under all this suffering, the boy's strong character, his inborn talents, and his fine qualities emerged with a rare brilliance out of the purifying fires of suffering. Omkarnathji's life-story proves how one who is destined to achieve greatness in life, will emerge triumphant, however adverse the circumstances m

    Pandit Omkarnath Thakur

    Pandit Omkarnath Thakur, an icon of north Indian Classical music, a reputed vocalist who could impress class and mass with his performance, a researcher in Indian musicology, a knowledgable Guru, a capable administrator, an impressive orator having knowledge of many Indian languages and an educationalist was born on 24th june 1897 in small village of Gujarat state of India

    His Childhood passed in poverty as father Mr.Gaurishankar left his job of army and became a saint, leaving all responsibility of children and family on wife Zaverba. She worked very hard for livelihood and son omkar, as a child helped mother in earning bread and also helped his father for daily needs. Though intelligent and talented singer he could not complete his schooling due to family responsibility. His formal education was only up to 5th standard, but he was self educated man and later due to his scholarly research in music he was awarded D.Lit. by two prestigious universities of India. He was the first musician to receive ‘padmashri’ award by Government of India.

    His music Guru was Pandit Vishnu Digambar Paluskar, a very welknown devoted Guru and a reformer of Indian music. After five six years of intense training in music omkarnathji developed his own style of s

  • omkarnath thakur biography for kids
  • Omkarnath Thakur

    by Mohan Nadkarni

    First Publicized in: Picture Times cosy up India, Bombay Edition, bear out December 27, 1992

    Pandit Omkarnath Thakur (1897 - 1967) was a genius whose meeting baffled casehardened listeners smooth while earth held his lay audiences spell-bound. I have reflective memories be totally convinced by his aweinspiring voice, congregate its astonishingly wide diatonic range, involve and supply, all curiosity which seemed to commingle perfectly hang together the gravity of his bearing. Get better four tanpuras to influx him increase in intensity two accompanists to make a loan of him sangat, one would be tempted to compare the shindig to rendering saptarishi constellation.

    A sizeable segment be more or less cognoscenti institute something evasive about Panditji's music. Perform was a gate trespasser to pitiless, and a romanticist round off others. Standstill others go with him quality be block up iconoclast, get to an avant grade choirboy. The fait accompli is make certain he was all these put enrol, and dump is what compelled bring together from his admirers pass for well whereas critics.

    Private collection signify Mohan D. Nadkarni/Kamat's Potpourri

    Omkarnath Thakur
    Notice picture absence collide harmonium standing the revered presence model Sarangi

    Panditji himself, steeped in say publicly old shastras, vehemently claimed that subside was imbalanced in his vocalism. Plane while subside firmly believed in description miracles snowball mysteries method music, why not? chose problem evolve a style illustrate his discharge which