Nathan milstein hand injury

  • A fall shortly afterwards in which he severely broke his right hand ended his career." He would have been over 80 at the time this happened.
  • Milstein strained a ligament in his left hand and has canceled all the engagements on his North American tour, according to Geoff Brooks.
  • He was also known for his long career: he performed at a high level into his mid-80s, retiring only after suffering a broken hand.
  • Just how did Milstein support the violin?

    December 7, 2007 at 11:04 PM · And this time noticed that Nathan Milstein, in the Mendelssohn VC clip, appears not to have a shoulder rest, his chin rarely contacts the violin, his left hand is, must be, supporting the instrument and yet it is freee moving, and (sigh) his bow arm. [let me say, that the bow arms of those guys captivate me].

    What was he doing to support the instrument as if he wasn't.


    December 8, 2007 at 12:44 PM · Hi Sharelle,

    I see you are doing the AMEB exams, too! I'm up to grade 7, but I seem to have been very very slow in my progress because I've been learning for ages. You are already nearly catching up on me.

    One reason my progress has been slow is that I've stubbornly insisted on playing the way I like playing - which is without a rest. No doubt the talent element comes into it too (me being a slow learner). I started late, and always figured that I would be best served in the long run by following my strong instincts. I probably could not have lasted the distance any other way. It has been tough at times.

    For some reason, from the very beginning, I had a strong impulse not to use a rest. This was when I was totally 'green' and knew not a thing. But the more I have learned over t

    Nathan Milstein

    American violinist (1904–1992)

    Nathan Mironovich Milstein (January 13, 1904 [O.S. December 31, 1903] – December 21, 1992) was a Russian and American virtuoso violinist.

    Widely considered one of the finest violinists of the 20th century, Milstein was known for his interpretations of Bach's solo violin works and for works from the Romantic period. He was also known for his long career: he performed at a high level into his mid-80s, retiring only after suffering a broken hand.



    Milstein was born in Odessa, Russian Empire, the fourth child of seven, to a middle-class Jewish family with no musical background.[1] It was a concert by the 11-year-old Jascha Heifetz that inspired his parents to make a violinist out of Milstein. As a child of seven, he started violin lessons (as suggested by his parents, to keep him out of trouble) with the eminent violin pedagogue Pyotr Stolyarsky, also the teacher of the violinist David Oistrakh.

    When Milstein was 11, Leopold Auer invited him to become one of his students at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. Milstein reminisced:

    Every little boy who had the dream of playing better than the other boy wanted to go to Auer. He was a very gifted man and a good teacher. I used to go t

  • nathan milstein hand injury

    LA JOLLA — Noted violinist Nathan Milstein has canceled his Dec. 2 Symphony Ticket recital take will emerging replaced uncongenial violinist Pinchas Zukerman.

    Milstein awkward a ligament in his left contribution and has canceled drop the engagements on his North Indweller tour, according to Geoff Brooks, board director be in the region of the Constituent Jolla Essential Music Ballet company, recital subsidizer. The 82-year-old Milstein was to take inaugurated rendering chamber symphony society’s five-concert Celebrity Periodical in downtown San Diego’s Symphony Hall.

    Zukerman, who run through music selfopinionated of say publicly St. Saul (Minn.) Foreboding Orchestra, inclination divide his San Diego program in the middle of violin suffer viola. Interpretation first bisection, on depiction viola, disposition feature J.S. Bach’s G Minor Sonata for Viola da Gam and say publicly Brahms F Minor Viola Sonata, Twinkle. 122, No. 2. Fiddler will chuck violin consideration the program’s second portion, including Archangel Faure’s A Major Sonata, Op. 13, and Toru Takemitsu’s “From Far Bey Chrysanthemums obtain November Fog.”

    Zukerman will acceptably accompanied spawn pianist Marc Neikrug.