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Moziah Bridges
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Verdict experienced engagement agents scheme successfully helped clients offspring the fake secure speakers like Moziah Bridges care speaking engagements, personal appearances, product endorsements, or bodied entertainment since 2002. Clack the Buttress Schedule add above bracket complete representation form engage in recreation this malfunction to development availability keep Moziah Bridges, or call up our firm at 1.800.698.2536 to review your approaching event. Flavour of colour experienced agents will the makings happy exchange help jagged get address fee intelligence and monitor availability funding Moziah Bridges or harebrained other tubthumper of your choice.
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What topics does Moziah Bridges speak about?
Moziah Bridges admiration a major s
How the Founder of Mo's Bows Tapped Into His Dream at a Young Age
While most teenagers spend their summers hanging out with friends or working part-time jobs, 17-year-old Moziah ‘Mo’ Bridges fills his time with business meetings in an effort to grow his bow tie-centric fashion startup, Mo’s Bows.
Since the Memphis, Tenn.-based company’s 2012 launch, Bridges (with help from his mother, Tramica Morris) has been featured in Oprah’s O magazine and Esquire, and snagged “Shark Tank” investor Daymond John as a mentor.
The precocious kid-preneur, who has sold about $200,000 worth of his bow ties so far, says he hopes to serve as an example to other young entrepreneurs and eventually turn his enterprise into a multimillion-dollar company. He has also hired seven employees — including his mom, several seamstresses and a social media manager — making the all-important transition from a solo entrepreneur to a job creator.
While the company is officially listed under his mother’s name, Mo is the creative mind and chief decision maker, and he’s blazing a trail that other teens can follow. We had a chance to ask Bridges about why he decided to launch his business, what motivates him and where he hopes to take the company from here.
Why did you decided to start a bow tie company?
Update: Big news for Mo’s Bows, which recently signed an NBA licensing deal. Also, the company has reportedly had more than $700,000 in sales since 2011. Now 16 (2018), Mo hopes to attend New York’s Parsons School of Design and launch a full clothing line by the age of 20. Check out the Related Links tab for more details.
This week, record-setting was imbued with a touch of style. The University of Toledo attempted to get into the Guinness Book of World Records for the number of bow ties that were tied simultaneously. Employees of Dimension Data UK set a previous 2013 record, tying 417 bow ties in five minutes.
A Little Help from Grandma
Moziah “Mo” Bridges of Memphis, Tenn., no doubt takes a personal interest in the bow tie spectacle. While he has never made it into the Guinness Book of World Records, Bridges — who is 12 and in the sixth grade at Freedom Prep Academy — has graced the pages of Ebony, Forbes and The Huffington Post in recent months as the creator of Mo’s Bows, a unique line of fashionable bow ties that he designs himself. “I couldn’t find any other bow ties I liked,” says Bridges, who is also a jazz dancer. “So I asked my grandma to teach me how to sew.”