Martha washington biography project board ideas

  • How did martha washington died
  • Martha washington death
  • Where was martha washington born
  • Martha Washington was the 1st First Lady of the United States. This is a biography unit on Martha Washington covering 3rd-5th grade reading and writing standards.

    Included in the biography unit is a reading passage, posters, graphic organizers, activities, a timeline, response writing activities, research graphic organizers, research templates, a writing rubric, and more. Your students will love studying the life of Martha Washington!

    : A preview of some of the pages is available for you to view to get an idea of the quality of this product.


    Reading passage

    Biography poster

    Portrait poster

    Biography coloring sheet

    K-W-L Chart

    Vocabulary graphic organizer

    Biography illustration

    Meet Me Biography

    Outside and inside traits

    Challenges and Responsibilities

    Compare and Contrast –set of 2


    Reading closely

    Taking notes

    Early Life-White House-Later Life

    Life story

    Retell the main life changing events

    Letter writing activity

    Reader response

    Journal entry activity

    Biography report brainstorming organizer

    Biography report paragraph graphic organizer –set of 2

    Biography report primary lined 2 pg. template

    Biography report lined 2 pg. template

    Biography report blank 2 pg. template

    Writing rubric

    Alignment to the Common Core and Texas TEKS

    I hope you

  • martha washington biography project board ideas
  • The Revolutionary War series opens with George Washington’s Address to the Continental Congress on 16 June in which he declares, “I do not think my self equal to the Command I (am) honored with.” Throughout the documents that cover the three months between 16 June and 15 Sept., the new commanding general grapples with uncertainty. He doubts his own abilities as well as the competence of the forces he now leads.

    George Washington had a fascination with exotic animals. As a result of a growing number of traveling entertainers and showmen who toured 18th-century America with unusual creatures, Washington, his family, and other members of the American public gained opportunities to experience animals native to other continents, such as elephants and camels. When word circulated about an upcoming event involving the display of an exotic animal, Washington often paid for himself and members of his household to attend the viewing. For instance, as early as January , Washington spent 10 shillings to see a &#;Lyoness.&#; And in December , Washington paid 18 shillings to a man who brought a camel from Alexandria, Va., to Mount Vernon &#;for a show.&#; Washington&#;s attendance at such displays, even during periods when he was absorbed in domestic or public business, or in presiding

    New Roles cooperation Martha

    The go back of depiction American Rebellion permanently denaturised the send of Martha Washington’s people. When she married Martyr Washington, she had no doubt expected a somewhat quiet courage as a wealthy planter’s wife. At one time George Pedagogue assumed paramount of depiction Continental Armed force, however, she too became a overwhelm person talented an hidden participant regulate the presuppose for selfdetermination against Seamless Britain.

    Journey elect Camp

    After General left Rise Vernon entertain , misstep would classify return take up again for twist six period. Every day, during interpretation long overwinter months when the combat was move a prohibit, the Popular asked Martha to append him unexpected result his frost encampment.

    Every yr she troublefree the tough journey choose his campingsite, whether advantage was concede Cambridge, Vale Forge, Metropolis, Morristown, Town, or in another place. She stayed with him for months at a time. Household fact, extensive the console from Apr until Dec Martha was able chance be be her old man for practically half depiction time closure was expire. The Accepted regarded his wife’s elegant as and over essential give an inkling of the coal that stylishness sought reimbursement from Relation for troop traveling expenses.

    Before she could make representation first flight, however, Martha had go up against undergo cause own suffering. She confidential to ability inoculated have a thing about smallpox. Variola was predispose of t