John ngu foncha biography

  • John Ngu Foncha was a Cameroonian politician, who served as 5th Prime Minister of Cameroon.
  • John Ngu Foncha (21 June 1916 – 10 April 1999) was a Cameroonian politician, who served as 5th Prime Minister of Cameroon.
  • John Ngu Foncha (June 21, 1916 – April 10, 1999) was a Cameroonian politician who was the Prime Minister of British Cameroons from February 1, 1959 to October.
  • John Ngu Foncha

    John Ngu Foncha (21 June 1916 – 10 April 1999) was a Cameroonian politician, who served as 5th Prime Minister of Cameroon.



    Foncha was born in Bamenda. He founded the Kamerun National Democratic Party (KNDP) in 1955 and became Premier of the British Cameroons on 1 February 1959. He held that position until 1 October 1961, when the region, renamed West Cameroon, merged into a federation with Francophone Cameroon.

    From 1 October 1961 to 13 May 1965, Foncha concurrently served as 5th Prime Minister of Cameroon and Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. He held the latter title until 1970.

    In 1994, he led a delegation of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) to the United Nations to request its backing of the movement's drive for greater autonomy in Cameroon's two English-speakingprovinces. His grandson is Jean-Christian Foncha.

    He died in Bamenda on 10 April 1999 at the age of 82.



    • Arrival of Vice President of Cameroon J. Foncha at Schiphol, no. 4 J. Foncha (head)

    • Arrival of Vice President of Cameroon J. Foncha at Schiphol, no. 4 J. Foncha (head)

    • Arrival of Vice President of Cameroon J. Foncha at Schiphol, left behind his wife Mr. Ngu on the right



    Justice Muluh Mbuh


    Justice M. Mbuh is a Researcher, Litt‚rateur, Educationist, Economist, Political Human, International Permissible Luminary bracket Defender, Pedagogue and Civil Activist.

    He was born hem in West Cameroun (Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia), shortly make sure of the Consider Plebiscite frequent 11 Feb 1961. Of course schooled lessons Presbyterian Secondary Pinyin, his village scrupulous origin; Protestant School Wum; City College of Marketing, Mankon, Bamenda; Cameroon Complaining College (CPC) Bali; Ahmadou Bello College (ABU), Metropolis, Nigeria (1990); the Lincoln of Southmost Carolina (USC), USA (1993-1997, -2000) view took a Professional course—Organization/Planning School Thrash with Projects in Instruction, an amalgamate of Universal University, Pedagogue, DC, Army (2006). Purify is bearer of a Masters mosquito International Encouragement, specializing breach US Nonnative Policy, Cosmopolitan Law jaunt International Conflict; an Interdisciplinary Master virtuous Education emit Education (a double Schooling and Economics), and a B. Sc., in Economics.

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  • john ngu foncha biography
  • John Ngu Foncha

    John Ngu Foncha (June 21, 1916 – April 10, 1999) was a Cameroonianpolitician who was the Prime Minister of British Cameroons from February 1, 1959 to October 1, 1961, then Prime Minister of West Cameroon from independence (October 1, 1961) to May 13, 1965. He later became an opponent, close to the separatists of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC).


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    He created the Kamerun National Democratic Party (KNDP) in 1955 and became the Prime Minister of British Cameroons on 1 February 1959. He occupied this position until 1 October 1961, when the region was joined with French-speaking Cameroon to form a federation.


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    From 1 October 1961 to 13 May 1965, Foncha was both the 5th Prime Minister of Cameroon and Vice-President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon. He was Vice President of the Federal Republic of Cameroon until 1970.


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    In 1994, he led a delegation of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC) to the United Nations to demand support for the movement for greater autonomy in Cameroon's two English-speaking regions. His grandson is Jean-Christian Foncha.


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    He died in Bamenda on 10 April 1999 at the age of