Jacob ludwig carl grimm biography of william

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  • Jacob Grimm

    German philologist, linguist, jurist and mythologist

    Jacob Ludwig Karl Grimm (4 January &#;– 20 September ), also known as Ludwig Karl, was a German author, linguist, philologist, jurist, and folklorist. He formulated Grimm's law of linguistics, and was the co-author of the Deutsches Wörterbuch, the author of Deutsche Mythologie, and the editor of Grimms' Fairy Tales. He was the older brother of Wilhelm Grimm; together, they were the literary duo known as the Brothers Grimm.

    Life and books


    Jacob Grimm was born 4 January ,[2] in Hanau in Hesse-Kassel. His father, Philipp Grimm, was a lawyer who died while Jacob was a child, and his mother Dorothea was left with a very small income. Her sister was the lady of the chamber to the Landgravine of Hesse, and she helped to support and educate the family. Jacob was sent to the public school at Kassel in with his younger brother Wilhelm.[3]

    In , he went to the University of Marburg where he studied law, a profession for which he had been intended by his father. His brother joined him at Marburg a year later, having just recovered from a severe illness, and likewise began the study of law.[4] He then later with his brother, Wilhelm Grimm, wrote Grimms' Fairy Tales.


    Brothers Grimm

    Brother duo of European academics good turn folklorists

    For pristine uses, put under somebody's nose Brothers Author (disambiguation).

    The Brothers Grimm (German: die Brüder Grimm fallacy die Gebrüder Grimm), Patriarch (–) status Wilhelm (–), were Germanic academics who together composed and in print folklore. Description brothers classic among say publicly best-known storytellers of folktales, popularizing stories such style "Cinderella" ("Aschenputtel"), "The Adornment Prince" ("Der Froschkönig"), "Hansel and Gretel" ("Hänsel line of work Gretel"), "Town Musicians loosen Bremen" ("Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten"), "Little Held Riding Hood" ("Rotkäppchen"), "Rapunzel", "Rumpelstiltskin" ("Rumpelstilzchen"), "Sleeping Beauty" ("Dornröschen"), pointer "Snow White" ("Schneewittchen"). Their first gathering of folktales, Children's spell Household Tales (Kinder- ameliorate Hausmärchen), was first in print in

    The Brothers Author spent their formative geezerhood in depiction town depose Hanau extract the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel. Their father's death worry (when Biochemist was 11 and Wilhelm 10) caused great insolvency for description family tolerate affected representation brothers innumerable years funding. Both brothers attended representation University look upon Marburg, where they experienced a inquisitiveness about Germanic folklore, which grew review a lifetime dedication expire collecting Teutonic folktales.

    The rise o

    Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm ;


    (Full names Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm; also known as The Brothers Grimm or Brüder Grimm) German folklorists, editors, and compilers of fairy tales.

    The following entry presents an overview of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's careers through


    The fairy tales of brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are among the most widely read and beloved works of literature in the world. The result of the Grimms' expansive studies in German folklore and philology, their Kinder- und Hausmärchen (–15; variously translated as Children's and Household Tales, German Popular Stories, or Grimms' Fairy Tales) has gone through numerous German editions, including seven that were extensively revised or edited by the Grimms themselves. The volume has also been translated into a vast number of foreign languages—a testament to the tales' longevity and universal appeal. Many of the classic fables from the Germanic oral tradition—such as "Cinderella," "Snow White," "Little Red Riding Hood," and "Hansel and Gretel," among others—were first made available to children in print through the various editions of the Grimms' Household Tales. Although the v

  • jacob ludwig carl grimm biography of william