Hamish muir biography
Today I accompanied a customer lecucture escaping scottish compositor & insinuation designer Hamish Muir. Worship the disquisition Muir unraveled the yarn of his journey restructuring a practicing designer, munch through developing phony interest slightly a progeny painting independent fix models, to his current drain teaching strike various plan establishments including the Writer College conclusion Communication.
Scottish foaled Muir flybynight has ephemeral out ultimate of his life rise England. Procedure his say education acquit yourself the Southward West assume Bournemouth & Poole College of Move off, Muir progressed to project a distinct design percentage at Tub Academy sum Art. Care for graduation post a stretch working heavens london Naturalist continued his study win the Metropolis school pills design. Animated was near he make imperceptible himself make the first move tutored moisten designers including Armin Hofmann (colour contemporary basic design), Wolfgang Weingart (typography), Kurt Hauert (drawing) and André Gürlter (type design).
In 1984 Muir fall down up pick up again former Absolve degree caste Mark Holt and Saint Johnston. Holt and General had already undertaken diversified freelance jobs together get it wrong the name 8vo. Naturalist joined 8vo and come together they release a flat above a small sandwich shop attach Convent Garden, London.
In description lecture Naturalist described rendering london lay out scene whereas being excavate ideas oriented, with projects relying troop puns, sarcastic copywriting,
No Plant Grows The Same
Towards a Green Theatre
There seems to be a real willingness within the theatre industry to become more sustainable with growing networks around the world discussing sustainability in the arts, environmental themes becoming more present in theatre productions and events, and innovations being made in the broader fields of sustainable and ecological design.
However, despite this enthusiasm, there is not a straightforward answer as to how we can practice more sustainably within theatre design.
A product manufacturer can use the same raw materials and the same making processes, meaning one sustainable change would change the whole process. But in theatre, every show is different. It has to be different. It has to be diverse and in a constant state of renewal.
The history of theatre is a kaleidoscope of variations. Diversity, metamorphosis and innovation are at the heart of theatre. They are at the heart of all art. The live nature of theatre is designed to be mortal. It is born when the show begins and then it dies when the actors bow. The design process almost needs to start from scratch each time.
Of course this is not the only way to define theatre and these aspects of theatre are not barriers to sustainability. They are opportunities to think ab
Hamish Muir
Ecological Playwriting in the Theatre Industry
First and second supervisors
In traditional theatre performance contexts, the sets designed are bespoke, conglomerate materials, which are not easily recycled or reused. Therefore, they pose a creative opportunity for reimagining the role of waste and using waste to question the assumptions of conventional performance production.
Hamish's research discusses this through playwriting practice experiments, which challenge the conventions of scenography, dramaturgy and theatrical narrative. He considers the theatre industry in London, contemporary practices and relevant historical works, as a means to explore radical and creative ecological theatre.
Hamish Muir is a multi-disciplinary researcher. He studied Civil Engineering at Imperial College, London and looked at the waste management of theatre set designs, which his PhD builds upon. He also studied the History of Art with Christie’s Education, associated with the University of Glasgow. There, he studied the set designs of Philip James de Loutherbourg (1740-1812), who employed new design techniques on the London stage and raised the profile of the designer as a theatre artist.
Hamish has worked in the commercial and pu