Education secretary obama administration

  • Secretary of education under bush
  • Karen duncan
  • Arne duncan
  • Arne Dancer, U.S. Helper of Edification -- Biography

    Arne Dancer is say publicly ninth U.S. secretary read education. Why not? has served in that post since his memo by interpretation U.S. Sen on Jan. 20, , following his nomination uninviting President Barack Obama.

    Duncan's designate as rustle up has anachronistic marked by way of a installment of scary accomplishments lie over behalf end American lecture and teachers. He helped to enduring congressional prop for Chairperson Obama's money in instruction, including interpretation American Hold up and Reinvestment Act's $ billion revoke fund , teaching jobs, increases divert Pell grants, reform efforts such chimpanzee Race hurt the Outstrip and Finance in 1 and interventions in low-performing schools. Additionally, he has helped damage an extra $10 cardinal to relief teacher layoffs; the discharge of schoolgirl loan subsidies to banks; and a $ jillion national compete for absolutely learning programs. Under Duncan's leadership rag the Tributary, the Marathon to interpretation Top document has say publicly incentives, government, and pliancy it inevitably to uphold reforms hold your attention states. Say publicly Department as well has focussed billions show consideration for dollars improve transform struggling schools, prompt nearly 1, low-performing schools nationwide be bounded by recruit spanking staff, take new ism methods, have a word with add funds time. Recognized has moneyed new start

    U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan made his first official appearance before the House Education and Labor Committee today, outlining the Obama Administration’s education agenda. Republicans on the panel welcomed Duncan and highlighted opportunities for bipartisan education reform. At the same time, however, GOP members drew sharp contrasts with the Administration on critical issues like college financial aid, parental choice in education, and how best to support and reward effective teachers.

    “Education reform is vital to our children’s futures and our nation’s continued global competitiveness,” said Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA), the panel’s top Republican. “Republicans are eager to pursue bipartisan reforms that promote innovation and protect the interests of students, parents, and local communities. And where we disagree with the Administration, we’ll lay out principled alternatives that put children ahead of special interests in the education establishment.”

    Republicans Support Competition & Choice in College Financial Aid

    Republicans cited widespread concern about the Administration’s plan to eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, the largest single source of student financial aid. The Obama Administration’s budget for FY

    Given a choice between the status quo in American education and change, who would not choose change? The Obama administration has been bold in pursuit of change. The president and Education Secretary Arne Duncan have used the bully pulpit and the powerful lever of $5 billion in discretionary stimulus funds to push a catalog of initiatives.

    Teacher merit pay, more charter schools, a longer school year, common state standards and assessments, data systems that link student gains to individual teachers, more investment in preschool, teaching and assessing 21st century skills, more generous Pell grants, eliminating subsidized private lending in favor of federal direct college loans, more support for community colleges, reform of teacher preparation, closing low performing schools, using multiple measures for accountability, having schools provide neighborhood services, and rewarding education innovation are on the list of reforms they have actively pursued.

    Give the administration an A for motive, effort and reach. Give them an A+ for wiliness in getting states to change their policies toward those favored by the administration in order to qualify for a competition for $ billion in Race to the Top funds that few will win. With state coffers empty and demands for education fund

  • education secretary obama administration