David hume biography with mla format citation

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  • Hume’s Essays

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    Source: David Hume, Essays Moral, Political, Literary, edited and with a Foreword, Notes, and Glossary by Eugene F. Miller, with an appendix of variant readings from the 1889 edition by T.H. Green and T.H. Grose, revised edition (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1987).

    Foreword by Eugene Miller

    David Hume’s greatness was recognized in his own time, as it is today, but the writings that made Hume famous are not, by and large, the same ones that support his reputation now. Leaving aside his Enquiries,1 which were widely read then as now, Hume is known today chiefly through his Treatise of Human Nature2 and his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion.3 The Treatise was scarcely read at all during Hume’s lifetime, however, and the Dialogues was not published until after his death. Conversely, most readers today pay little attention to Hume’s various books of essays and to his History of England,4 but these are the works that were read avidly by his contemporaries. If one is to get a balanced view of Hume’s thought, it is necessary to study both groups of writings. If we should neglect the essays or the History, then our view of Hume’s aims and achievements is likely to be as incomplete as that of his contemporaries who faile

    Indexing metadata

    Dublin CorePKP Metadata elementsDocument metadataTitleDocument titleDavid Hume and the opinion scienceCreated byAuthor’s name, institution, country Luis Gonzalo DÍEZ ÁLVAREZ; Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Madrid (España) 3. SubjectDiscipline3. SubjectKeyword(s)4. DescriptionAbstractThe “David Hume” purpose of this article is not the philosopher but the historian and political thinker. Intellectual concerned about the historical evolution of societies that outlines in their historical and essays, a theory of the process of civilization built with materials from a liberal and skeptical Enlightenment. This theory was not advanced by Hume systematically, so this article is to make explicit the underlying unity to the fragmented political, social and economic considerations Scottish thinker. Our thesis is that these discussions were due to a stabilizing purpose: to settle in Britain the civilizing process after the Revolution of 1688 ending the factional disputes and contributing to the creation of a prudent and moderate citizens, far from any kind of extremism.5. EditorialOrganizing institution, locationUniversidad Francisco de Vitoria6. CollaboratorSponsor7. Date(DD-MM-AAAA)2017-07-238. Type
  • david hume biography with mla format citation
  • Books on picture topic 'Dialogues concerning unoccupied religion (Hume, David)'


    Published: 22 Feb 2023

    Last updated: 23 February 2023

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    David, Hume. David Hume: Dialogues concerning readily understood religion press focus. London: Routledge, 1991.

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    Coleman, Dorothy, sheer. David Hume: Dialogues referring to Natural Doctrine and Different Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge Academia Press, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cbo9780511808449.

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    David, Hume.