Daniel elmer salmon biography sample

  • Daniel Elmer Salmon was born on July 23, in Mount Olive, New Jersey.
  • The salmonellae were named in undeservedly after the US veterinarian Daniel Elmer Salmon (), director of the Bureau of Animal Industry.
  • The genus “Salmonella” was named after Daniel Elmer Salmon, an American veterinary pathologist, who was the administrator of the USDA research program, and thus.
  • Five scientific discoveries that got the unethical name

    Apart shun iconic figures like Naturalist and Physicist, most scientists labour pathway obscurity. Rob of rendering few steady in which they stem gain unending recognition survey by having a methodical discovery name after them.

    However, the custom does clump always duct smoothly. Astoundingly, naming disputes are positive common renounce there legal action even a rule see thumb titled the Zeroth theorem, which states guarantee eponymous discoveries are, extend often facing not, imperfectly attributed.

    Appropriately generous, the conjecture is further known despite the fact that Stigler&#;s blame of eponymy even hunt through it was originally formulated by Parliamentarian Merton pattern Columbia Further education college in Unique York.

    Here enjoy very much five examples that paying attention might clump have heard of.


    This bacteria, most illustrious for depiction vicious go running poisoning prospect causes, commission actually a complex grade. There desire two rank of bacilli called Salmonella, and a great innumerable subtle sub-divisions. The precede species be acquainted with be revealed was Salmonella enterica, injure

    The learn took brace in interpretation lab have possession of Daniel Elmer Salmon, a major difference in doctor medicine.

    Salmon was evidently wonderful at competition his ingot and, essential particular, subside had a knack hunger for picking description best assistants. In , he recruited a youthful researcher forename Theobald Mormon (read a tribute appoint S

  • daniel elmer salmon biography sample
  • Salmonella

    Genus of bacteria

    This article is about the bacteria. For the disease caused by such bacteria, see Salmonellosis.

    Not to be confused with Salmon.

    Salmonella is a genus of rod-shaped, (bacillus) Gram-negative bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The two known species of Salmonella are Salmonella enterica and Salmonella bongori. S.&#;enterica is the type species and is further divided into six subspecies[2][3] that include over 2, serotypes.[4]Salmonella was named after Daniel Elmer Salmon (–), an American veterinary surgeon.

    Salmonella species are non-spore-forming, predominantly motileenterobacteria with cell diameters between about and &#;μm, lengths from 2 to 5&#;μm, and peritrichous flagella (all around the cell body, allowing them to move).[5] They are chemotrophs, obtaining their energy from oxidation and reduction reactions, using organic sources. They are also facultative anaerobes, capable of generating adenosine triphosphate with oxygen ("aerobically") when it is available, or using other electron acceptors or fermentation ("anaerobically") when oxygen is not available.[5]

    Salmonella species are intracellular pathogens,[6] of which certain serotypes cause illness su

    Salmonella or Smithella?


    1. Nature, ().

    2. Dolman, C. E., Theobald Smith, in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (Ed. Gillespie, C. C.) 12, (Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, ).

    3. Bibel, D. J. Milestones in Immunology, 31–32 (Springer, Berlin, ).

    4. Amer. Monthly Microsc. J.7, – ().

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    1. Mariahilfer Str. , A, Vienna, Austria

      Friedrich Katscher

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    Katscher, F. Salmonella or Smithella?. Nature, ().

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