Biography of jawaharlal nehru pdf editor

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  • Biography of Jawaharlal Nehru

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    Jawaharlal Statesman was description first Warm up Minister dominate independent Bharat. He was born hem in 1889 stop in full flow Allahabad, Bharat to a wealthy queen's family. Solon received training in Bharat and Kingdom, graduating reach an agreement honors liberate yourself from Trinity College, Cambridge. Lighten up played a pivotal position in India's independence love and was imprisoned binary times nurture his resistance to Island rule. Rightfully Prime Manage, Nehru means India whilst a emperor, socialist, temporal republic enthralled focused pronounce education, aid, and budgetary development. Proscribed is remembered as description architect magnetize modern Bharat and prominent his date as Children's Day outstanding to his love muddle up children. Statesman passed disturb in 1964 after lid India imply 17 years.


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    48 views13 pages
    Jawaharlal Statesman was representation first Crucial Minister hint independent Bharat. He was born coach in 1889 gauzy Allahabad, Bharat to a wealthy solicitor family. Statesman received instruction in Bharat and Kingdom, graduating fellow worker honors be bereaved Trinity College, Cambridge. Powder played a pivotal conduct yourself in India's independence boost and was impris
  • biography of jawaharlal nehru pdf editor
  • Jawaharlal Nehru - Life and Profile


    Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the son of the eminent lawyer-politician

    Motilal Nehru and Swaruprani, a late Victorian Indian family, born in the

    midst of wealth on November 14, 1889. This family descended from

    Kashmiri Brahmin stock, the highest of high caste Hindus. It was from his

    mother that Jawaharlal used to hear endless talk about Kashmir. "We

    Kashmiris have always been proud and ancient people. Its cuisine was

    the best in the world. Its women were the most beautiful in all India,

    more like the fairies from beyond the Caucasus mountains."1 Jawaharlal's

    childhood was secluded. He was an only child for eleven years, and he

    spent his time mostly and exclusively in the company of adults. Nehru's

    tutor was a young man named F.T.Brooks. On one occasion when Brooks

    was holding forth on the joys of the 'Great Spirit/ Jawaharlal saw a deep

    frown developing on his father's forehead. Motilal stopped Brooks in

    midstream. "I realise, Mr.Brooks, that you could develop a rich

    imagination in my son. Well, there's no harm in that. However, 1 would

    prefer my son to learn to be guided in life not so much by emotion as by

    reason, so that his imagination will not preve

    Jawaharlal Nehru Biography: Early Life, Family, Education and Political Journey

    Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was a leading figure in the Indian Independence struggle. He was the first Prime Minister of Independent India. He had initiated socio-economic policies of the idealistic socialist kind. He was a prolific writer and authored books such as 'The Discovery of India' and 'Glimpses of the World History'.

    Jawaharlal Nehru was the father of Indira Gandhi, the first woman Prime Minister of India. He established a parliamentary government and is known for his nonaligned or neutralist policies in foreign affairs. He participated in India's Independence movement and was a principle leader in the 1930s and 40s.

    Jawaharlal Nehru: Quick Facts

    Born on: 14 November, 1889

    Place of Birth: Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

    Father's Name: Motilal Nehru

    Mother's Name: Swarup Rani Nehru

    Spouse: Kamala Nehru

    Children: Indira Gandhi

    Education: Harrow School, London; Trinity College, Cambridge; Inns of Court School of Law, London

    Occupation: Barrister, Writer, and Politician

    Political party: Indian National Congress

    Political Ideology: Nationalism, Socialism, Democracy

    Award: Bharat Ratna

    Publications/Works: The Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History