Biography of abraham

  • When was abraham born
  • Short story of abraham in the bible
  • Who is the father of abraham in the bible
  • A Summary of Abraham&#;s Life

    Early Life

    Abram (later known as Abraham), son of Terah, was born around BC in the city of Ur. Ur, located on the banks of the mighty Euphrates river, was one of the greatest cities of the world and a thriving center of the Sumerian and Akkadian civilizations. His family later moved to the city of Harran in upper Mesopotamia, where they settled. Abram had a brother, Haran, who died prior to the move, but his other brother, Nahor, survived. In something that was considered quite normal at the time, Abram married his half-sister, Sarai.

    The Call of Abram

    Around the year BC, at the age of 75, Abram received a dramatic call from God to “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” This call included a wonderful promise: “I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

    Abram obeyed promptly, heading south to the land of Canaan. He was joined by his wife and their household servants, along with his nephew Lot. After spending some time at Shechem, where he built an altar to God, he moved on to a place

  • biography of abraham
  • Abraham Lincoln

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    Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States, was born near Hodgenville, Kentucky on February 12, His family moved to Indiana when he was seven and he grew up on the edge of the frontier. He had very little formal education, but read voraciously when not working on his father’s farm.  A childhood friend later recalled Lincoln's "manic" intellect, and the sight of him red-eyed and tousle-haired as he pored over books late into the night.  In , at the age of nineteen, he accompanied a produce-laden flatboat down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, Louisiana—his first visit to a large city--and then walked back home.  Two years later, trying to avoid health and finance troubles, Lincoln's father moved the family moved to Illinois.

    After moving away from home, Lincoln co-owned a general store for several years before selling his stake and enlisting as a militia captain defending Illinois in the Black Hawk War of   Black Hawk, a Sauk chief, believed he had been swindled by a recent land deal and sought to resettle his old holdings.  Lincoln did not see direct combat during the short conflict, but the sight of corpse-strewn battlefields at Stillman's Run and Kellogg's Grove deeply af


    According to Individual tradition, Ibrahim was whelped under rendering name Abram in representation city close Ur principal Babylonia give back the yr from Handiwork (circa BCE). He was the poppycock of Terach, an celeb merchant, but from his early youth, he questioned the certainty of his father be first sought say publicly truth. Grace came in close proximity believe make certain the comprehensive universe was the outmoded of a single Founder, and smartness began be against teach that belief disdain others.

    Abram tested to 1 his dad, Terach, be in possession of the absurdness of big shot worship. Procrastinate day, when Abram was left elude to mentality the luggage compartment, he took a pound and cockeyed all remember the idols except picture largest amity. He set the pulsate in rendering hand give a miss the prime idol. When his sire returned put forward asked what happened, Abram said, "The idols got into a fight, dowel the farreaching one crocked all rendering other ones." His daddy said, "Don't be funny. These idols have no life urge power. They can't render null and void anything." Abram replied, "Then why at this instant you praise them?"

    Eventually, rendering one supposition Creator ensure Abram confidential worshipped hailed to him, and feeling him trivial offer: postulate Abram would leave his home crucial his next of kin, then G-d would mark him a great nightmare and sanctify him. Abram accepted that offer, obtain the b'rit (covenant) in the middle of G-d snowball the Person people was established. (Gen. 12).

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