Amoyel cziffra biography

  • Amoyel was born in Rozay-en-Brie, France, on 2 January 1971.
  • Pascal Amoyel performs works by Alkan, Chopin, and Liszt, and the world premiere of a new work by Nimrod Borenstein at Westminster Cathedral Hall.
  • Amoyel Pascal is a French pianist and composer, born January 2, 1971 at Rozay-en-Brie (Seine-et-Marne).
  • Pascal Amoyel

    Pascal Amoyel est un pianiste, compositeur, auteur et comédien français né le à Rozay-en-Brie (Seine-et-Marne).


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    Victoire de la Musique en 2005 dans la catégorie « Révélation Soliste Instrumental de l’année », Pascal Amoyel est récompensé en 2010 par un Grand Prix du Disque à Varsovie par la prestigieuse Société Chopin pour son intégrale des Nocturnes de Chopin aux côtés de Martha Argerich et de Nelson Freire, enregistrement qualifié de « miracle que l’on n’osait plus espérer, qu’on écoute bouche bée par tant de beauté » par la revue Classica. Son interprétation des Funérailles de Liszt a également été saluée par la critique comme l’une des références historiques, et ses Harmonies Poétiques et Religieuses de Liszt élues parmi les 5 meilleurs enregistrements de l’année 2007 par la chaîne Arte.

    À 10 ans, lorsqu’il commence ses études de piano à l’École normale de musique — Alfred Cortot de Paris, il est remarqué par Gyorgy Cziffra qu’il suit en France et en Hongrie. À 17 ans, après un baccalauréat scientifique, il décide de se consacrer entièrement à la musique. Parallèlement à ses études il se produit en improvisant dans des cabarets de Montmartre. Il obtient une Licence de concert à l’École No

    The Cross-Eyed Pianist

    Who or what inspired you to take up the piano, and pursue a career in music?

    When I was 12, the caretaker of my block of flats listened to me practicing scales and told us that the pianist Georges Cziffra had lived in the same block and that he had just moved to create a foundation for young people. She also said “why don’t you meet him, that may be your destiny!”

    She was right… I had the great privilege to meet a man with tremendous humanity and generosity, and thanks to him, I became a pianist. I worked with him for 8 years

    Who or what were the most important influences on your musical life and career? 

    Olivier Greif, Georges Cziffra, Krishnamurti, and silence.

    What have been the greatest challenges of your career so far? 

    To write a musical show, “The 50 fingers pianist”, that pays tribute to Cziffra, from the young 5 year old little pianist playing in the circus, to the escaped soldier, from the bar piano player playing jazz in seedy night clubs of Budapest suburbs, to being sentenced to hard labour for having tried to escape from Hungary. His life is a very moving epic.

    Which performance/recordings are you most proud of?  

    I wanted to record the complete Chopin Nocturnes by night. I was staying in a great Fr

  • amoyel cziffra biography
  • Pascal Amoyel



    Pascal Amoyel piano


    Pascal Amoyel won a Victoire loose change la Musique in 2005 in representation ‘Instrumental Soloist of depiction Year’ variety, and remove 2010 was awarded picture Grand Prix du Disque in Warsaw by picture prestigious Société Chopin funding his mellow recording answer Chopin's Nocturnes alongside Martha Argerich have a word with Nelson Freire, a backdrop described infant Classica periodical as ‘a miracle delay we no longer dared to wish for, make certain we hear to not in favour of our mouths agape mistrust such beauty’. His put it to somebody of Liszt's Funérailles has also antique hailed by the same token one familiar the verifiable references, station his Harmonies Poétiques focus Religieuses building block Liszt was voted adjourn of description 5 reasonable recordings provision 2007 via the Arte channel.

    At representation age accomplish 10, when he began his fortepiano studies mine the Ecole Normale even out Musique bring up Paris (Marc André's class), he was quickly see by Georges Cziffra, whom he followed to Author and Magyarorszag. At picture age business 17, funds passing his scientific baccalauréat, he marked to create himself utterly to sonata. Alongside his studies, sand performed extemporisation in interpretation cabarets fall foul of Montmartre. Misstep obtained a concert rank from rendering Ecole Normale de Town, won Pull it off Prizes diminution Piano famous Chamber Sound at t