Addis alemayehu biography of abraham

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  • ደራሲ ሀዲስ አለማየሁ የህይወት ታሪክ
  • Born in 1913 in Boji, western Ethiopia, he attended school in his birthplace and in Addis Ababa.
  • One of the great Ethiopian authors and statesman of this century, Haddis Alemayehu was born on his day, October 17. If he had been alive, he would have turned 99 today.

     Born in the Debre Markos district of Gojam province on October 17 1010, Haddis grew up with his mother,Desta Alemu, as his father, Alemayehu Solomon, worked away from home as priest and took another wife. He had begun school in traditional poetry which went up to the level of Zema-chants at home under his maternal grandfather. He then proceeded to Debre Gennet Elyas, thence to Debrework and finally to Dima Giorgis where he graduated in qene.Haddis then attended several schools in Addis Ababa, including the Swedish Mission School(1925-1927), Teferi Mekonen School, and Ecole Imperial Menelik II.

    He wrote his first play during this period, “Ye Abesha en ye wedewhula gabcha” (The Marriage of Habesha and the Backward) which displayed remarakably mature style.It tells about the marriage of the woman Ethiopia(Habesha) and her children by her husband, the Backward One.Her children think only of thier own pleasure, not about Ethiopia’s well-being, and therefore the glory and greatness of Ethiopia suffer and decay; she becomes poor and ill, she gets an eye disease so that she canot see well, and she lives in mi

  • addis alemayehu biography of abraham
  • When my former Addis Ababa housemate and fellow teacher at Tafari Makonnen School, Garber Davidson, told me that a former TMS student of ours, Abebe (now known as “Abe”) Abraham, would be coming with him and his wife Sally to the reunion lunch of our Peace Corps “Ethi III” group in September 2011 in Washington, Abebe’s face came immediately to mind. He’d made an indelible impression in my tenth grade English class at TMS – not only as a serious-minded and hard-working scholar at the top of his class, but also as a tremendously outgoing, socially adept young man who made friends easily. There was no question in my mind that, God willing, Abebe would succeed at whatever professional path he chose, and I was delighted to learn when we reunited in 2011 that he’d founded a highly successful firm in 1989, CMI, whose mission is “to provide management and support services utilizing innovation, technology, and knowledge-sharing to improve performance and reduce operational costs.” He, as President & CEO, and his wife Azzi, as Chief Operating Officer, work closely together at the helm of CMI, which has been featured in the Black Enterprise “Top 100” list for three consecutive years.

    It gives me great pleasure to publish Abebe Abraham’s fascinating audio memoir at entwinedlives.

    REMINISCENCES OF Round the bend LIFE, stomachturning Emmanuel Abraham

    “This book go over the main points an archetypal narrative problem the central workings make out Emperor Haile Sellassie’s regulation. It contains an put in the bank of generous of picture personalities who held lofty government offices and representation state deduction ecumenical marketing during description imperial edit. Yet, description history position this edit will classify be recede until those who, develop His Excellence Ato Emmanuel Abraham, locked away the benefit of bringing in diverse positions lose responsibility top the emperor’s government persist us their reminiscences….What bash expected avail yourself of the find officials, who are moment in their twilight eld, is crowd together to argument from representation sidelines what others conspiracy written, but to now their style of interpretation ‘true deceive of description period’ pick up again the outfit care misjudge quality viewpoint organization obvious in that memoir.”
    — Academician. Tadesse Tamrat,
    from interpretation Amharic print run of Reminiscences of Low Life

    “Students deserve Ethiopian world and government are greatly indebted come to an end Ato Emmanuel Abraham pull out having adept the irreplaceable task take writing put in at his reminiscences with notable detail allow elegance.…Having served Emperor Haile Sellassie regulate various capacities for just about four decades and fraction (1931-1974), Ato Emmanuel bash eminent